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killing range ?


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this was a perfectly good question to help someone understand how far killing range is

when you are a newbie this info is a normal question that would go through your mind and to turn the thread into some idiot that would happily get shot at from 70 yards is unbelievable sir you are a plank anyone that shoots a gun at anyone from any distance deserves to have his licence taken away anyone that wants to be a target should not be on this forum


What a pretentious pr... you are. The question was answered and then the thread moved on. If you are incapable of reading a thread with tongue in cheek and take everything literally you will miss a lot in life. No sensible person would point a gun at anyone at 70 yds let alone fire it. If you pointed a gun at me at any distance you would soon find out it`s not the thing to do.You appear to have no experience in this sport. The point I was making was endorsed by Scotslad who mentioned that he had been shot at that distance and that it stung but did not penetrate and he was only wearing a shirt.



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What a pretentious pr... you are. The question was answered and then the thread moved on. If you are incapable of reading a thread with tongue in cheek and take everything literally you will miss a lot in life. No sensible person would point a gun at anyone at 70 yds let alone fire it. If you pointed a gun at me at any distance you would soon find out it`s not the thing to do.You appear to have no experience in this sport. The point I was making was endorsed by Scotslad who mentioned that he had been shot at that distance and that it stung but did not penetrate and he was only wearing a shirt.



Correct. It just bounces of you. Altho i wouldnt fancy one in the eye.

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Ur totally right above nobby it is not a good idea but i'd also say that 70m is not the effective killing range of a shotgun and esp so to a begginner. Joe average should not be shooting at birds at that distance until he can judge it accurately and also shoot accurately.


And for the more experienced next ime u pull off a long range/flukey :whistling: shot put the birds aside and actually pluck it including the head/neck, more often than not there will only be the 1 pellet in the head and rest off body/wings are often unmarked or when there is a pellet in the breast it usually has not penetrated far enough to be a fatal wound, or atleast that is generally the case with me and my mates anyway. Bottom line at that range (or behind 40ish m) u really need to be head shooting them, far beyond my skill level/limit.

It does amaze/interest me if u mark different birds u shoot and pluck them to see where the damage/fatal shot is and which where the hard runners, u really have to hit them hard to get fatal body shot


I see a couple off other posts while i typed this,

But such a shame when such an innocent and common question ends up going off at a tangent like that


And no u really dinae want 1 in the eye, pulled a pellet out off my mates cheek 1 day, but we were picking up (1st season picking, 1st day new moor, u soon learn) and far too close, thought we were safe and a good 10ft below line of sight to butts but must off been a fiier or richocet, prob 40m and jist below skin and no more. Not nice thou

Edited by scotslad
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Nice couple of real life experience posts from Scotslad :yes: , interesting point about plucking birds to see what it takes to get a dead bird at distance.


Anybody who thinks 70+ yard shots are routinely possible just hasn't a clue how many they wound in the process. Hitting them is one thing but dropping them dead is quite another so stick to under 50 yards.

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Whose to say that the videos of George digweed shooting crows and pigeons at 80yds aren't edited and he shoots at half a dozen or more before he gets a clean kill. Maybe he does maybe he doesn't. 25 to 45yds is about the range i think i usually shoot at,sometimes maybe a bit more or a bit less.

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