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50 birds or 200 shots?

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Hi folks the syndicate I belong to were thinking of letting out a days shooting for 10 guns. Now from what I gather the norm seems to be 50 birds in the bag or 200 shots counted. What I'm asking is is this correct or do others do it differently? Also we have a plan for the day which consists of bacon roll and tea/ coffee in the morning then 3 drives lunch ( soup cake drinks etc) followed by 2/3 drives. The terrain is varied so will the height of the birds and bag will be pheasant only. Is this acceptable for £150 a gun? Any tips help please.



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the shots is rarely used unless you have a seriously poor team of guns, our shoot the let days are a lot bigger and I can only once remember them being charged the full amount for a day without having shot it. That was down to very poor shooting and you can't put a day on with beaters picker uppers etc and not charge when the guns have seen plenty of birds. There are shoots about who are struggling for birds this year and they are the ones usually trying to push a shot count on people, so really the advice is yes count them but really don't try and enforce it too much unless they really can't shoot. I'd up it to 250 on a 50 bird day assuming you have the birds. £150 a gun sounds top wack if its a small diy syndicate type shoot at £30 a bird.

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The shoots I `m involved with all count shots but it is merely a back up if the guns do not achieve the bag and complain, which has never happened. The bags are from 150 upwards and the keepers would rather the guns were happy and return than be very strict and cause bad feeling.Some shots to bird ratios are quite high but is so much more pleasant for everyone to enjoy their day.

I understand it`s only 50 birds but one shoot I pickup on charges £ 26 per bird and has some challenging drives. £ 30 per bird is at the very top end

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Price per bird. Some places add for overage, some places include some overage. One of my days I purchase is 100 bird day but the shoot does not charge for overage and the keeper does a count at lunch and works out what drives for the afternoon to either produce a lot of birds over the guns or less if not many are needed. Our last day there was 135 birds, not many missed on the last drive. I have never been to a shoot where they charge for the shots taken instead of birds.

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Sorry not saying they don't just I have never been on a shoot where they do. No offence meant.


Non taken

One of the estates I pickup on sends out a contract stipulating the number of shots to bird ratio to each team of guns. This number differs depending on the difficulty of the drives required.

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I would agree a price per bird, an agreed overage rate if they shoot say another 50. Then have two people clicking, if they are a decent team they should be shooting 3 or 3.5 to one if you have good birds. The trick is matching your birds to their skill levels. If they are a good line they wont pick a gun up for a 25 yarder at £30 a bird.


It is a bit late this year to be arranging this, a lot of bigger shoots will soon be running cheap 'clear up ' days that you will be competing with. Last year one of these was £15 a bird for as many as you want on partridges, others may be similar.



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