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Well, here i sit (in a right old state) just post 5am. Been up since 4:15 when i woke sweating like a pig in a soaking wet bed. Since then i have swung between sweating my pods off and shivering like a naked eskimo about 20 times. Took me 15 mins to make a Lem-sip drink (it's all there is in the narcotics stash) because my hands are shaking that much i was spilling it trying to stir it. Hands ankles wrists and knees ache like hell and there is some sadistic **** banging a bongo in my head.

It's suprising how fast it comes on? I was right as rain 4pm, then spent a couple of hours sniffeling and barking at the telly, went out in a brave attempt to kill the germs with whisky. Failed.

At risk is a few hours feeding up and breakfast today, a night out Friday and a days shooting Saturday, not too worried about missing work Sunday ;)


What i need is to sort myself out enough for the short hobble to the pharmacy and stock up with something to nuke it, or at least mask the symptoms at about 8am so that i can get round the shoot in a modicum of comfort.


Now then..... NURSE...... Nurse.......nurse.....

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could be the nora virus tho...

No, definitely Man Flu! The only thing you can do about it is to get the other half to wait on you hand and foot and to pamper you non stop for at least the next month!

It might not cure it but it will be fun reading your follow up report about what you got her to do for you! :good:


Get well soon mate!

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Well, i'm currently overdosing on various pills and potions bought with not much change from a twenty. Have dragged myself around the shoot to feed and water the pheasants, tbh it didn't seem that bad while i was out and about.


However now that i am back in the warm something seems to have blocked up the green tap in the middle of my face and i can feel a headache nagging away again. Gonna try a kip for a while and attempt to make a meeting at 7pm tonight where i shall again attempt to kill the evil bug with alcohol of some description.......

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You need to see the Doc., get yourself off to bed and stay there, get the Doc to come out and see you, until he does, Lemsip every four hours, lots of sleep and drink lots of fluids , water, squash, NOT Alcohol.

If you get prescribed amoxycyllin ( penacyllin) take the full course, don't stop taking when you feel better after two days, take all the tablets.


Just to cheer you up some more, I have had two friends die this week with flu like symptoms.

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Well, death seems to have passed me by - this time. It has however left me feeling a little light headed and dizzy, a bit like having an out of body experience. I'm sure this will pass with time.


Now just need to sort out something to do Saturday and Sunday as the blood lust was not sated in the last 6 days.. :shoot:

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