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Gun related accidents.


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i know its not a fire arm but it was a pneumatic nail gun. i was just out of my time as an apprentice joiner and was F ining around you can not fire a nail gun until it is pressed up against a hard surface IE wood ? but you can pull the the safety mechanism which is at the front back with your fingers. i was shooting it up at the roof when i got sharp twang on my finger i did not think i had shot myself until looked. my mate who was also Fing around said i just went white my hand must have slipped and i had shot myself with a 30mm ring shank nail in the first finger on my left had it went up the finger with just the head sticking out it hurt like hell when i pulled it out and was bleeding for a long time i would have been saked on the spot if i had told first aid how i shot myself what a plonker

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So he should too matey! No offence but that is an incredibly dangerous habit and my advice is don't let yourself get into it. Habits are hard to break once established.


No offense taken.


I agree, but being a beginner to the sport, one makes mistakes :-)

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Lad up the road from me was holding lamp for a friend who was shooting from jeep over stubbles after a fox. Got out to have a slash and the side of the door came off next to him where his pal had pulled trigger on rifle .243 a foot away from where he was. Lucky to be alive. His mate simply Forgot he'd chambered a round.

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I do sometimes wonder whether safety switches should be banned from being installed on guns so that people cannot reply on them and so that a gun is always 'dangerous'. Well, not really but you get my drift. It's a similar sort of mentality which says that road accidents would be massively reduced if you banned seat belts and put a massive metal spike protruding from the steering column.




Are you really serious ?

Maybe you should have one installed in your car for when the old lady mistakenly pulls out in front of you ?

Lets not be so infantile eh?

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(years ago) in the local village, a guy killed his sister with a .22lr ricochet in the garden.


Knew a boy couple of years ago who got shot at a duck pond at night. He was on the opposite side. He turned out ok than goodness.


Boy at a local party recently got shot in the head with an airgun. Kids were mucking about and you hear different versions but basically the damage was pretty severe.


Brother and a few other folk I know have had very close misses whilst pheasant shooting,(they were on the receiving end).



Pretty minor but I was using a bit of log to hold an airgun target up once,(thought at the time it wasn't a great idea). First pellet I fired came back and hit me in the stomach...glad it wasn't my eye.


One of my uncles friends got bullied 'back in the day' and they used to chase him home and shoot him in the *** with their airguns!



All of the above incidents were avoidable with common sense though. Althought the bullying incident is slightly different..

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Are you really serious ?

Maybe you should have one installed in your car for when the old lady mistakenly pulls out in front of you ?

Lets not be so infantile eh?


Oh do grow up! If you don't understand the analogy then try doing an internet search (I would say 'google it' but they don't like guns so please don't).



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I do sometimes wonder whether safety switches should be banned from being installed on guns so that people cannot reply on them and so that a gun is always 'dangerous'. Well, not really but you get my drift. It's a similar sort of mentality which says that road accidents would be massively reduced if you banned seat belts and put a massive metal spike protruding from the steering column.


Most Americans that carry 1911 carry them in hammer back round in chamber. Relying on the safety catch.

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I have never used the saftey on any of my guns. I agree with whoever said they should not be there in the first place.If you conduct yourself with saftey in mind you shouldn`t` need one.I have my gun broken open or in a slip, no cartridges in the gun until I intend to fire, why do I need a safety catch ?

I used to shoot 20000 cartridges a year at clays and can honestly say only saw a couple of incidents where gun safety was poor and the gun told in no uncertain terms. However,on game game shoots,I have been appalled by the lack of safety shown to other guns, beaters and pickers up. Most of these incidents involved the guns carrying their loaded guns closed with the safety catch on. Most, when confronted, were a bit shirty, asking what the problem was, not realising the consequences if they fell or stumbled..

We were instrumental on improving the safety on one local estate, where the guns totally relied on the safety catch, by telling them we would no longer pick up or beat for them if they didn`t` take on board what we were saying regarding the standard of safety on the shoot.On one drive I was coming down a steep path towards the gun, he had his cartridge bag hanging on his peg and the gun resting through the bag pointing up the path directly at me. He was looking for a bird and asked for my help. I pointed out what could have happened if my dogs had run down the path before me and knocked the gun off the peg. He said the safety was on so what was the problem.

My point is, if you have safety catches on guns people will rely on them

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I have never used the saftey on any of my guns. I agree with whoever said they should not be there in the first place.If you conduct yourself with saftey in mind you shouldn`t` need one.I have my gun broken open or in a slip, no cartridges in the gun until I intend to fire, why do I need a safety catch ?

What about handguns that are designed to be carried safety on and in the chamber.?

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What about handguns that are designed to be carried safety on and in the chamber.?

Good point...but like most things with a hunting forum in general,everything seems to end up with a contradiction bit like some shooters bragging they only get clean kills and then preach to others how not to do it,then you have clips of wildfowlers and pigeon shooters taking out birds yet to see them fluttering,hollaring and jumping about in a field/pond until they instruct their dogs resulting in the bird suffering for 5-10mins (and more)in pain before being despatched,nobody on here seems to bother about such happenings it seems.Just my input that's all guys.



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Another typical politicians reply Mr Cameron


Or are you trying to avoid something yourself?

I found your post unreadable, if you type it in a readable format (i.e with spaces, not in capital letters and with punctuation) then I can attempt to answer any questions. It is impossible to answer a question that hasn't been put to you.

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What about handguns that are designed to be carried safety on and in the chamber.?


I'm not familiar with handguns (never had one) but are they really safe to be carried loaded? Or is it just that it is considered acceptable if carried for protection (surely the only time someone would ever want to carry a loaded gun) where the 'risk' of it going off is considered less dangerous than the 'risk' of it not being available in time for protection? Carrying it loaded may be considered the lesser of two evils.

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I'm not familiar with handguns (never had one) but are they really safe to be carried loaded? Or is it just that it is considered acceptable if carried for protection (surely the only time someone would ever want to carry a loaded gun) where the 'risk' of it going off is considered less dangerous than the 'risk' of it not being available in time for protection? Carrying it loaded may be considered the lesser of two evils.



Couldn't have put it better myself. Some now have no external safety catch glock for example. The rely on a heavy trigger pull and the user not pulling the trigger unless they are shooting at somthing. But in highly stressed situations that doesn't always happen as you say if you have a round in the chamber obviously you up the chances of a N/D. You have to weigh up that with you being able to get the firearm into action a second or two quicker.

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Or are you trying to avoid something yourself?

I found your post unreadable, if you type it in a readable format (i.e with spaces, not in capital letters and with punctuation) then I can attempt to answer any questions. It is impossible to answer a question that hasn't been put to you.

I could not make head nor tail of your effort of a reply...oh and upper case in text means the person is angry or shouting Mr Cameron,so put that in your pipe and smoke it However,it's impossible to comment on something YOUR not clever enough to understand.....guess its UKIP for me next election!

Keep Well


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When trying to cock / load a very tight CCI into my .22LR CZ. The bolt went forward, nut it really didn't want to go that little last bit down to lock the bolt. Well I just pushed a little harder thinking "well they are accurate, but I'm not enjoying this, I'm not buying these again". The pressure I was putting on the bolt, must have translated as heat to the rim of the round and BANG (well more off a Phhhtttt (moderated)!) just as well I was pointing it into the grass. The rest went into a bucket of water then had their heads ripped off and guts poured out.

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I was Hare shooting in Norfolk with a large group, taking turns to walk up we were split into two groups, I was walking up and we were coming into range of the guns, one gun had let his 12 year old son have ago, the shot wizzed past my head and my pants turned instantly wet and brown. Lucky it missed me in my opinion, poor lad got a right **********, but I blamed the Dad.


Never went again after that.

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Many years ago my girlfriend worked as a veterinary nurse in Dorset, she told me a story of a local farmer who had given shooting rights to a friend. He went out early one morning on a walk up, he heard some shuffling in a hedge and shot it. The shuffling was a ten year old girl walking her pony in from the field on the otherside of the hedge. The pony died later at the vets of gunshot wounds, luckily the girl was protected by the pony.

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Many years ago my girlfriend worked as a veterinary nurse in Dorset, she told me a story of a local farmer who had given shooting rights to a friend. He went out early one morning on a walk up, he heard some shuffling in a hedge and shot it. The shuffling was a ten year old girl walking her pony in from the field on the otherside of the hedge. The pony died later at the vets of gunshot wounds, luckily the girl was protected by the pony.


What happened to the shooter? Please tell me he got stopped from shooting after that?

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