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help!! poachers taking what they like on our permission!&#

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Can't you get alarm guns which use a blank cartridge? One of those fitted onto a gate might be worth considering.


Was thinking this myself, the blank cartridge alarm trip wires. Will alert you to their presence/location and hopefully frighten the **** out of poachers.

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We had it on our shoot many years ago, we left the hares as nobody was keen on them, to eat:

So we left them, Trouble came with the Long dog boys, causing mayhem, one bloke being threatened when he told them to leave, Even the copper said keep your distance: We Shot the hares, they went with it: Copper did say get sneaky and undo the sump plug on the engine just enough to get them clear of your fields, couple of threads worth, going down the motorway they drop out, scraps the engine so I`m told. :whistling: :whistling: :lol:


or if you want to be really sneaky, push some rag up the exhaust, they will never get it going, and won`t know what the hell is wrong, even a mechanic won`t spot it, make the ******* drag themselves home. :lol: :lol: :good:

Edited by subsonicnat
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Not the ********* I`m talking about mate: :ninja:


used to make my own, but limited to how they work, my mate made one, put it under the seat of his car, it was not filled with salt either.lol. They pinched his car while he was on nights, he was really ****** off:

BUT,,, You do have to remember you have it armed.lol.

Edited by Zapp
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Re cameras, I am a cctv engineer, you could buy a couple of cheap eyeball/ bullet IR cams for about £35 each, and a portable 12 volt recorder, run it all off 12 car battery and a pir to activate recording.


Contact the police and advsie them of the situation, they have their own evidence gathering cctv camera experts and might be willing to set up a system to gather evidence.


Have a look at Y2K website and SystemQ just google the names.


good luck

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Just had a thought, get a 'member of the public' to call the police and say they have seen men arguing in a field and pointing guns at each other. They will have 'copters and vans with twinkling lights there in minutes. They have to send out an armed response unit if guns have been mentioned.


Unless you are willing to back it up, don't play the hard man stuff. They fight dirty and grudges last a long time.

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could be a prob if they turn out to be unarmed that night


Very true but if they are the scum bag poachers we think they are I doubt if they would be out there for a pleasant stroll, and say for argument sake they were unarmed the police would have caught them trespassing and it might put them off returning.


Just a thought



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Very true but if they are the scum bag poachers we think they are I doubt if they would be out there for a pleasant stroll, and say for argument sake they were unarmed the police would have caught them trespassing and it might put them off returning.


Just a thought



its also a criminal offence to make such a thing up and report it

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