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...and the fish, its just a method of adding a label to something, the majority of fish is halal.


If I get up and say that there is no immigration issue where I live then I am parodied as not being out of touch, so there has to be a common ground somewhere between the two of us, yes?


Finally an old chestnut, how much did the "Commonwealth" give to you and your family? (First retort to say "It was nothing to do with me" or similar negates themselves)

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I have never seen a punjabi cornflakes box in Tescos or been asked to press one to speak English to my bank.. has anyone else?


I have seen those multilingual road signs though, and last year spent the night in a pub where English was spoken by I would say less than 10% of the customers, I couldn't understand a word most of them were saying, although they were all very nice. I'm definitely going back there next time I'm in Aberaeron.

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Finally an old chestnut, how much did the "Commonwealth" give to you and your family? (First retort to say "It was nothing to do with me" or similar negates themselves)

Personally i am ashamed as a Brit, for our goverments ripping countries off in our past but we are certainly paying for it now. from Auntie.
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have you ever tracked your ancestors ...... I think mine were anglo saxon..what about the normans .. some of us will originate from the vikings others from romans...the francs . some from celts..through out history our families travelled far and wide and they have been doing it ever since..just look at australia... british cons to start with then the £10 settlers

look at america.... british, french and spanish..... Kings, queens leaders would invade other countries just to gain land...whether you like it or not..we don't own the planet..we just live our time on it.....


money has so much to answer for ..... we have all become selfish and very small minded

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Finally an old chestnut, how much did the "Commonwealth" give to you and your family? (First retort to say "It was nothing to do with me" or similar negates themselves)


The commonwealth personally never gave anything directly to me, however the UK gave the commonwealth English common law, parlimentary democracy, and industrialised those nations. While the British Empire had a chequered past it is certainly not all bad.

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have you ever tracked your ancestors ...... I think mine were anglo saxon..what about the normans .. some of us will originate from the vikings others from romans...the francs . some from celts..through out history our families travelled far and wide and they have been doing it ever since..just look at australia... british cons to start with then the £10 settlers

look at america.... british, french and spanish..... Kings, queens leaders would invade other countries just to gain land...whether you like it or not..we don't own the planet..we just live our time on it.....


money has so much to answer for ..... we have all become selfish and very small minded


Selfish and small minded...!

We may not own the planet but we damn well own this bit of it and all over the country there are memorials to men and women who died defending it for you. YOU, not the whole planet, not some non-existent human family or some half-baked sixth-form Fabian society multi-cultural pipedream, YOU.

This article was written about Acton. Have you been to London recently? Have you seen what's been done, systematically, for political reasons, to the capital city of your country? Do you really believe, when you're sober and in full command of your senses that the mess that is the seat of your Nation represents just the normal ebb and flow of chance migration? Do you really think a hostile human marshalling yard is in some happy-clappy way cosmopolitan, or that it is 'vibrant' to be an alien in your own land?

Christ all bloody mighty wake up and smell the roses.

I'm out of this one. There's only so much **** a man can take.

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Migration has benefited this, and many other lands across the world. Regardless of who the original writer votes for, the article doesnt come across as racist, she mentions that she moved to london, like so many other from across the world, to try her hand, and live her personal dream. The article points out, that more and more migrants are entering the country, wirh no intention of becoming socialised with the local population, but seem to want to create there very own area, no intergration.


I have said before, people willing to move to this country to try and better themselves, and work hard, and pay taxs are more than welcome, those who choose to move here, legally and illeglly for our benefits systems, can stay away. The french have built migrant camps at the ports and rail crossings, they heard all the migrants there, and they take their chances to get across, why?? because the french wont house them, and pay for them.


There has been alot of news recently about Young Muslims who 'Patrol' the streets, harrassing White people, they wish these people to adhere to the koran, or their version of it. This is not being seen as racist, due to the ridiculous laws this PC country has impossed on its self.


As a previous poster has mentioned, these people travel here for safety from persucution etc, yet they wish to set up the same draconian laws they were so desperate to escape from. Some thing needs to be done, before the country implodes.

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In response to Gimlet (Gimlet! thats french isn't it?)


No we Don't..we don't OWN this land... yes we have settled on it, and yes you have established a Home land... but own it !!! no

and how dare you ask me if i noticed the memorials to the fallen soldiers... i too have served queen and country and been on what you call the front line...and stood on parade at the remembrance days..I have also paid respect to those from poland, india, nepal, america (black and white) who defended this piece of land.....


you talk out of your small minded ****... so!! you don't like what todays immigrants are doing to this country... ... but they also didn't like what we did to their's ..just go off and read about the british empire..go off and read about what the british people did to the abo's in australia..go off and read what the british french and spanish did to the NATIVE indians in america..look what we did to the Scotts look what we did to the irish...god!!!! know wonder we are hated so much


i think your the one who needs to smell the roses....


I would lay odds on you drive a foreign Car watch a japanese TV use french electric and eat some foods that has been imported ..... agh well you have a flag

Edited by jasper3
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I`ll tell you what it makes me think

  • It is from 6 years ago and therefore out of date
  • statistics are guff, there are more up to date stats and they seem to differ dramatically
  • It is inflammatory


Here's a more up to date report for you !


Figures from the 2011 census have revealed that the Muslim population in Britain has almost doubled in ten years so that Muslims make up 50 percent of the residents in some British towns.



Between 2001 and 2011, the Muslim population rose from 1.5 million to 2.7 million, an increase from 3 percent to 4.8 percent of Britain’s overall population


Yes the video is out of date : The problem is much worse now ! FACT.

Yes statistics do indeed differ : The number of muslims is much higher than we thought ! FACT.

Inflammatory ? The word you should have used is UNDERESTIMATED ! FACT.

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This sort of discussion would be better off here




Unfortunatly in times like this the BNP and EDL will grow in strength as people get to the point where they've had enough


Someone has to do something about it before we are pushed into living in only certain parts of the UK


But nothing is going to be done

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This sort of discussion would be better off here




On the contary I think that is 30 years of the socialists suggesting that anyone who even brought up the problems of imigrants not being assimilated into british society is a vile racist that belongs with that lot or the NF/ BnP that has led to this situation developing


The americans have a method of imbueing americanism this via the educational system, within a generation forigners are expected to see themselves as americans first and their background second Black american, asian american, even irish american. Here I know of a 10 year old kid whose parents where both born here of jamacian decent. the kid has never been to the caribean but believes himself to be jamaican living in england. His parents are both well integrated into society and have the sort of basically christian but only do the church "thing" for weddings christenings and burials like so many of the rest of us. So if he stills sees himself as not british what sort of hope do we have with people that have incredibly different ways to us and a religeon that encourages them to see all the differences between us as failures on the british character.



Wanting to limit immigration such that the people that stay integrate into society rather than form getto's is not Racist its common sense

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I`ll tell you what it makes me think

  • It is from 6 years ago and therefore out of date
  • statistics are guff, there are more up to date stats and they seem to differ dramatically
  • It is inflammatory


All I know for sure is that Asians have large family's. white British people have small ones. Over a period of time what happens? They out number us. Why is it guff? Give evidence that is ain't happening/ won't happen I would like to read it.

Edited by Sheldon Cooper
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All I know for sure is that Asians have large family's. white British people have small ones. Over a period of time what happens? They out number us. Why is it guff? Give evidence that is ain't happening/ won't happen I would like to read it.


A large percentage will also marry someone back home and ship them here increasing numbers

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A large percentage will also marry someone back home and ship them here increasing numbers


Not to mention in a lot of culture's it's actually forbidden to marry someone from a different culture ! so much for integration eh !

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All I know for sure is that Asians have large family's.Yeah and my Gran was one of 12 (She is white) white British people have small ones. Over a period of time what happens? They out number us.No they don`t, this country is vastly white Why is it guff? Give evidence that is ain't happening/ won't happen I would like to read it. See below, it is up to date, unlike your video and gives a different statistic to the video, which has France suddenly beat all the odds to get back to 2.08, gee how did that happen?


France 2.08 HERE > http://www.indexmundi.com/map/?v=31&r=eu&l=en


Here's a more up to date report for you !


Give us the link then?

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Don't need statistics just need to opens eyes to see what is happening to the country


Yeah, but Sheldon does as he started off on stats, however there are hardly any problems here, lots of great Eastern Europeans who work hard and pay taxes, doing the things we Brits seem to think are beneath us.

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My own feelings are that the much lauded multiculturalism has failed, as immigrant cultures tend to ghettoise and fail to integrate. Not rocket science that people tend to want to live and talk with people from their own cultures, its how they do that and how welcome the host population is, that makes so much difference.

There should be a logical limit to immigration (numbers) and its a reasonable expectation that immigrant populations should contribute to and not separate from the host culture.


A fine example is the Jewish population - pretty much fully integrated, excepting their religeon which they tend to keep to themselves and private. Massive cultural contribution to the country they have adopted and whilst they tend to stick together they dont do so to the exclusion of the host population.


I'm afraid the whole immigration thing now appears to be out of hand and needs to be be strongly controlled with illegals expecting to be repatriated.

The population of Britain used to be stable at 52 M where is it now and how much of that rise can be attributed to uncontrolled immigration ? A quick look at the census ?


The suggestion that sharia law (even in specific enclaves) should ever be a possibility is unacceptable.and racist.

Henry, dont upbraid me on this - just accept its my opinion - informed I hope.

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Dictionary definition of racism;



  • The belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, esp. so as to distinguish it as...
  • Prejudice or discrimination directed against someone of a different race based on such a belief.


Common use of the word racist;


To describe anyone that states a negative point of view against a member or members of another race (even if that view point does not actually fit the dictionary definition of racism as see above).


This is exactly what we are seeing in this thread, and this thread is a mirror of society. Sadly, the the group that call use the lower definition are drawing further away from the group they use that definition to describe, which will see radicals develop on both sides. Someone said this thread belongs on an EDL forum, sadly more and more people will be pushed to join the EDL and BNP etc etc and as a result will adopt more extreme views.

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