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UNF bolts


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Can any one help me? I have a Picatinny rail which I want to put on my T3 but can't seem to get the small bolts to secure it to the rifle. I need four UNF 6 x 48 and they need to be 5/16" long. Torx or hex would do the job. Does anyone know of any place I might get them? Thanks for looking.

Edited by Blunderbust
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Can any one help me? I have a Picatinny rail which I want to put on my T3 but can't seem to get the small bolts to secure it to the rifle. I need four UNF 6 x 48 and they need to be 5/16" long. Torx or hex would do the job. Does anyone know of any place I might get them? Thanks for looking.


Are you sure you have the right measurement there in the 6 x 48??


You may actually find UNF bolts in motor factors or eBay as landie's and MG fixer-uppers use them.




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Yes I defo need UNF 6 x 48 at 5/16" long, I have found them in America and if I don't get any from the UK in the next couple of days I will have to order them from there.


Coolhead, as far as I can see they come in 6 x 40 and 6 x 48 tpi.




If your not in a hurry I'll be in the states in march so can get you a stock of them then. :good:




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I have ordered some from Brownells in USA, the postage cost more than the screws but at least I now have some new ones on the way. I managed to get my sight fitted buy stealing 4 bolts from one of my other rifle sights so they will need to be replaced when the new supply arrives. Once again thank you to all for the help and suggestions.

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