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Reel wings kite decoys


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Gimmicky I reckon, same as those BOP on poles the farmers are all using, seen a rake of pigeons feeding all round them today.

Complete waste of time

thats what real wings do act like a flying pigeon to bring birds in :good: but you need wind i had some i used a 10 mt fishing pole to give them lift had some good days with them
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Gimmicky I reckon, same as those BOP on poles the farmers are all using, seen a rake of pigeons feeding all round them today.

Complete waste of time

Think we should all buy some of those BOP on poles instead of deeks if they are attracting birds in might have more luck. :hmm:
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Different things work in different places for different people, so you can't write anything off.


The feedback I have from friends who have used the kite decoys is that conditions are rarely exactly right and if they are not exactly right, the things don't fly properly and are a waste of time.

They also say that they have no proof that they attract birds better than other moving decoys (floaters, flappers, rotarys, etc).

None of them take them out with their "regular" decoys anymore


One said that his should be in the same cupboard as his wife's bread maker, smoothie machine, George Foreman grill.......... :)

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