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Anyone had luck with Raptor Deeks

Lancs Lad

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It seems to be the natural instinct of all corvids (especially magpies), to mob and harrass an owl.

They don't seem to need a reason.


We have quite a few barn owls where I live and often one will be caught out, trying to roost quietly in a tree.

No chance, they will mob them until they move on.

I have seen some mobbings continue for a couple of hours, before the owl had enough and flew off.

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i was out with the eagle owl deek today it really catches there attention best bet is to place it 30 yrds or so from a large tree and shoot them out of the tree i have got some video footage of this and a crazy buzzard swooping from a spec in the sky trying to foot it in its swoop wicked,just have a good hide.will hopefully post this footage soon.

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I have somewhere to host this for you if you want? Just PM me..


Well I was out today..........didnt get any "mobbing"..........


I placed 3 crow eeks out about 50yds from the owl looking at it........but didnt get any action...


Ended up bringing the owl in and leaving the 3 crows out..............Ended up just shooting 1 crow today..


And a mixyed bunny...............glad to put it out of its misery.......

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Lancs mate i was informed somewere or other that the best way to use the owl is to have him on a fence post or pole etc and make sure all your crow decoys are higher up than the owl if that makes any sense becuase crows do not ussually mobb there victim straight away they sit in surrounding trees and scould him! hope this has helped all the best FTS. :lol::lol:

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concensus seems to be NO but seeing as how you've bought it first and asked questions later you'd better give it a try :( Corvids will attack/worry most birds that they feel threatened by, herons, hawks, gulls etc they can be very territorial which is why larson traps work so well.


Always the way H.......buy it first......ask questions later..


Will take it out for another spin tomorrow..........



Got a load of eggs that I need to get rid of aswell.........Will give it an hour with raptor. then chuck the eggs out.........


Fingers crossed.......might get a couple of pigeons aswell.....................


hopefuly there might be a few mixy bunnies out....................

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