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interesring reading


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Thats interesting


"The purchase and possession of ready-made ammunition without a firearms licence is illegal, but, as the Yorkshire Post revealed last year, no licence is needed to buy bullet presses, cartridge cases, primers and powder over the counter"


I was under the impression you needed an explosives licence to purchase Powder? :lol:


Or am i wrong??



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ATM you don't 'need' an FAC for any reloading components apart from expanding ammo.


Some shops ask to see the ticket but I have only been asked for it a couple of times!


I fail to see how cracking down on this will help at all, I would have thought that if someone can go to the trouble of getting a gun illegally (probably imported from eastern europe, then they probably get ammo with it!). Still, I don't work for Labour :lol:


Just the goverment going for the easy vote winning option, just like the brocock ban, look at how gun crime has fallen since those dangerous weapons were banned! In fact I am suprised any more firearms laws are needed now the naughty criminals cannot buy a brocock any more!

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The main gist of this proposal is to prevent an illegal gun owner from re-loading his own ammo. And to that end most gunshops around my neck of the woods now ask for your ticket when purchasing primers or sometimes powder, depending on the shop.

It’s mainly to cover their own backs should anyone get caught with illegally owned ammo. As much as I hate to say this BASC had quite a lot to do with the withdrawal of clause 29. :lol: (or should I say clause 31)



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