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Good Finish To The Ducks And Game.


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Headed away from work an hoor early Mon to Thurs to try for a few ducks for the freezer over the close season.Been a bit milder so the waters have been thawing although they still had ice on them by the last day.Monday went with Mac and the dugs to the biggest pond but totally frozen still.Despite this,a pair came in that we drapped and then 4 came in that we saluted untouched.Delighted with the two though.

Tuesday,went to the edge of an old water reservoir with the rain horizontal due to the gale winds.Had seen a good few hundred Teal on it but when they came off went wide and didnt get a shot off.For the last 20 years we have shot this its been great for a duck and goose,but this season ive had the grand total of a mallard and widgeon.Hopefully next season it will be back on form again.

Wednesday the weather was baltic,again sheets of rain and probably the strongest winds ive ever tried to shoot in.Just sat in the ditch with Rab and had to face inwind and it felt like someone welding my eyeballs with the rain.Again,the wee splash was frozen but still a few lots of mallard were on the go.Hard shooting but managed a single and then a r and l puting another 3 mallard down.

Thursday was back to Mondays pond,with Mac coming too.Dropped a cock pheasant on the way to it that was a runner,and it had Rab and Jake tearing up and doon the ditch trying to catch it but they finally did.Luckily the pond was half defrosted and plenty of ducks started diving in.Had to leave most as they were coming in too close so had to choose the birds that were suited.Drapped 5,but one that Mac hit with both barrels went down in the burn and we never found.Rab had to pick his way between the ice when retrieving 3 of the birds and must have been in the water for too long,as when he came oot he started staggering aboot and struggling to stand.Luckily we noticed so Mac dried him with his jumped and then i put the Rivers West Eider jacket round him and he say there withoot trying to move.We were still a duck short so i said i would try Jake on the way to the Jeep and if we didnt find it i would come back in the morning,but as soon as i put the wee fella in he was onto it.On hearing the splashes Rab was a diiferent dug altogether and was straight back into the water and a shine with the torch showed a pricked mallard diving everytime Jake got near him,leaving a very confused pup.All credit to the wee man though,and after the fifth dive he nailed the duck and took him back.First proper retrieve in water and no problems at all.Very pleased with his progress and doesnt need much encouragement.Again Rab showing his age a bit so hopefully next season he will do more than his fair share of the graft.

Friday,dinnertime finish so hame for the dugs and gun.Just a quick couple of hoors to finish off the season and ended up with 4 pheasants.The parks were mostly ploughed so nay that many birds oot but a great bag to finish the season,although my shooting left a lot to be desired.Time for a few weeks off and then flat oot with the bucks hopefully.Slange.



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Top job daffyd hope the mutt is ok sounds like yer on ta a good one wi the pup as alan says the weather was pants we shot every day from last friday to friday there and got soaked every day roll on the bucks starting gaji and thank god the seasons over lol

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Excellent read - Slanche!

Take care of Rab - as if you wouldnt.


Cheers fella.really seen a wee decline this season so will ease him up.I think the biggest problem is he doesnt know how to and is as keen as ever.


excellent pics and shooting as usual bud :good:


Ta fella.Pics maybe ok but they shooting was leaving a lot to be desired at times,especially with the wind.


Yet again, some fantastic pictures pal!


Ta fella.


Well done...great pics as well...


Cheers fella.


Awesome :good:




Hello mate! I have not been on for a bit,, but love the write up an pic's mate well done.


Cheers Alex,and fine to see you back fella.

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Good write up, good pics an a great bag, well done :good:


Cheers fella.Bag sizes nay important,especially with the ducks and geese and if ones in the bag im happy.


A nice end to the season :good:


A top end fella and pretty glad its over for another season.Cant wait for the start though,lol.


Gid end to the season gaj! The weather was **** for the last week of the season down hear as well.


Cheers Alan.It was fine on Friday but the ither days were baltic and shocking wet with gale winds.Fine for me when its just an hoor or twa but working the dugs in it for days on end wouldnt have been that great.


Top job daffyd hope the mutt is ok sounds like yer on ta a good one wi the pup as alan says the weather was pants we shot every day from last friday to friday there and got soaked every day roll on the bucks starting gaji and thank god the seasons over lol


Ta fella.Hes sorted oot noo but did get a wee scare right enough.As said the wee fella is spot on,and hes naturally good even with the lack of training.Noo the seasons past ill go back a few notches and fine tune the basics as they have been neglected but the last two walks hes wiped the auld fellas eye 4 times and marks a bird better than Rab ever did,but that was always his weak spot at times.Dina fancy your friday to friday with the weather we had and as you say,thank **** its over.Very hard going on the dugs too.Cant wait for the bucks and hopefully the weathers ok for the start.

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