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How much do 16 bore cartridges cost?

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Hey guys. Compared to 12g loads, how much more will it cost me to run a 16g? I've found something interesting but know very little about them.


I appreciate it's going to be a fair bit more if comparing to cheap clay loads, but I'm looking more at comparing it to good quality pheasant ammo for the 12?

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I'm looking at a side by side 16 bore drilling. A lot of them seem to come in 16g flavour rather than 12. :rolleyes:


Not really sure how much I'm likely to use it. I probably put under 250 cartridges per year through my combi and this would be used for the same job. Out on the decoys or clay shooting I'll use my Beretta auto assuming I don't have to sell it to buy the drilling! I'm pretty sure I'll keep it but if not I only pigeon shoot a few times a year anyway so I'll not be using thousands.

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Guest cookoff013

Not much selection with a 16, but loads of homeload recipes in the US loading manuals. A 16b Lee Loadall is cheap enough.


usually the minimum price for homeloading is £200-220 / and is easily achievable. even buying lead etc. making lead shot knocks it down to 110-120/k very easily

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