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ladder trap attempt

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so,one of the farmers on the estate keeps on at me about the crows,ive tried a crow day,where i got 9 guns together and spread them out,but the weather was against us,it was frozen ground and hard frost,but i had to show willing,anyway ive been reading some articles on here about ladder traps,with great interest,so i decided it was time to try to build my own,now im no joiner,im a butcher,but i thought how hard can it be,so heres my attempt,ive taken it to the farm today,but it still needs another panel on each side to make it longer,and obviously,ill make the ladder longer too,but atleast the farmer can see im making a proper effort especially now theyre lambing...









so thats basically it,apart from the extra panel needed each side,so guys be gentle but any input for improvement will be gratefully taken on board...........DAZ

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  • 2 weeks later...

I put the trap in a partially concealed area so that you can remove the crows without prying eyes seeing so no-one subsequently vandalises your trap.

Also, I cant see on the pics, you need to ensure the ends of the ladder, where it joins the mesh sides, are blanked off otherwise the crows will climb the mesh and escape. Interested to hear how you get on - good luck.

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well as i said in my first post,i need 2 extra panels to make it bigger,these are done now and will be put on to the trap on saturday,i know about taking them out without others seeing,and the ends of the ladder are tied to the main frame so theres no way they can climb out,lol........DAZ

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Hard to tell from picture, but a latch of some sort on the inside of the gate comes in handy when you are in catching captive birds just incase wind/ a birds bunching up at the gate knock it open


A bent bit of fence wire or a bungee cord on the inside between door and side panel does the job

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  • 2 weeks later...

RABBITER U have my number. Get my M8 Gordon to make U one, he is a joiner. Ask Mitch how good his is as Gordon made him one.


Couple of things to improve yours if its not to badly damaged after these high winds. Put some lats across the corners at the bottom and top to strengthen it also get some pallets and put it onto them this not only keeps if of the ground and stops you wood from rotten but if you screw it to the pallet it will not blow away so easy.


Hope this has helped, thx for the call bird Magie but as yet no luck. You will be the first to know though M8


here is our new one that Gordon built, the larson trap inside is a metal type one which holds the song bird to prevent it from getting attacked / killed by any Magies entering it.



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Magpie call birds will catch crows but crows won't normally catch magpies. Looks a nice trap good luck!

this might sound silly,,but if i have a magpie call bird in the ladder trap,will it attract the crows?,i read somewhere this would work!!!!!

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well it did look a nice trap,after the high winds sweeping the farm,i was up there monday to move it,i found it in a pile about 70 yards from where it was staked down,luckily its repairable,now i need to get my larsen that ive just made,up and running........DAZ

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