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NOE Selection Shoot


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Shot the North of England Selection shoot this morning.


Nice layout and good targets.


Enjoyed this year a lot better than last years offering, the course setter put on a good range of targets with something for everyone.


Some also very difficult, for me anyway :lol: stands 9,10 and 12 done my card in with me blanking stand 10 and only getting one each on 9 & 12 :no: ended on 70 ex 100.


Seen a few familiar faces some off here, hope you all shot well.



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Some good shooting to get 95. Hopefully it'll be quiet for you with a bit less wind, some testing stuff today Auntie, think you'll enjoy it I did and the lads I shot with did regardless of end results.


Best of luck :good:



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Our group was shooting when the ladies pen ran out on the stand next to you, you offered her your pen think you called her mam, I was the big fella in the help for Heros cap.


Now I know who you are ill be sure to speak to you next time.


Enjoy today.



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I cannot understand why course setters persist in putting clays flitting through trees, they are a test on how good your eyesight is and not your shooting ability. As you become older they are very difficult to pick up and I get the "strobe" effect as well.


Coniston have a couple of these stands, they are very difficult to see, even the younger shooters struggle to see the clay.

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Some targets were hard to see until late in its flight, but not many. Still left short windows to shoot them in.


If grounds have woods they are going to use them, I liked the clays as they were more like a real sporting target flying through the wood.


Auntie I blanked the orange battue stand also, I missed a few daft ones upto stand 9 but was happy as I was shooting well, then the wheels came off, the speed or lack of as the slowed and angles really caught me out.



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Shot like an absolute plank today, I did enjoy the targets but never touched one of the battues and also got a duck on the orange incomers in the trees, I just couldn't get a line on them it was as if they were like a strobe effect in the trees. Finished on a poor 60. ??? :( :blush::no: from Auntie.


There were quite a few bemused faces on that shoot. First time I've shot at Beverley and to be fair i enjoyed it. I shot it like a total tool and finished on 69 :oops: , which having seen some of the other scores, isn't totally horrendous :hmm: . That said, even the Bethell monster beat me and he blanked a stand :blush: .

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Don't fret too much about Stand 12 - it was a total sod! Only 2 straights on there all weekend (one each day), and a dozen and half 5 ex 6's. Anybody who did 50% or better are to be congratulated.

Interesting to read the diverse comments about the course setter at this shoot and the England/North Region selection shoot last year - they were one and the same. I don't know what it proves, but it just goes to show ...

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I liked this years targets as a good varied selection, some easy some very hard, caught a lot of top shots out.

This year the targets varied more in distance.


Last year was like Skeet and Dtl in the woods, most stands were very much the same type of targets.



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