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Gun added to my licence that i sold years ago!


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I purchased a gun off a forum member a few years ago used it then sold it, all paperwork done correctly, moved house gun was removed when new licence was printed, i have now moved again and they have re added the gun and sent me a snotty letter saying that i didn't inform them that i had bought it in the first place.

Has anybody had this sort of thing before?

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Make sure you get a written apology for the snotty letter and an acknowledgment that they were in the wrong. If they can add a phantom gun to your licence they can forget to remove the snotty letter from your file. I'd be wanting to generate correspondence getting a black and white admission it was their incompetence, not yours if I was you.

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Guest cookoff013

i would write a nice polite letter to licencing department and the chief.

i would also make it very clear that you are unhappy with the letter. it is not unreasonable to ask for an appology.


currently they are suggesting you have comitted an offence. i wouldnt be happy with that.


it could have been handled better, with a simple query.


both licence holders need to notify aquiring or removal of a gun on/off a shotgun licence. i would point this out, that they should check both transaction forms / notification. from both licence holders for which the gun serial number relates to.

i would also remind them to check all the facts before they send out accusations of an "offence".


you pay an administration fee. make it work.


1it can be very polite and have a strong content. i`d ask for an appology in writing.

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Upon renewal inspectionI had 2 Bettinsoli's on mine,


Told them I only ever had 1 stored at mine whilst bro in law was between houses, ( they were notified)


Neither of the ones I was supposed to have was his,


They apologised and said they would sort it out



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