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Buying an Air rifle moderator (a recent experience)

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Well, yes, you've just told the world how you have already broken the law on at least three occasions.


Please, anyone reading 'advice' by Deckers....don't follow it. He's talking gonads.





Have you told your licensing department that you have lied to them on three occasions?


A simple yes or no will suffice?


If not then shall I?




you have made a very serious and false claim that I have lied to my region, feel free to repeat that to my face any time you like. READ my post.

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Start at the top and work down!


I have no intention of wasting my time with you, and you have made a very serious and false claim that I have lied to my region, feel free to repeat that to my face any time you like. READ my post.


The next 9 pages are yours!

To quote you;


"It is not unknown for people to make their own, so simply advise your region you bought an off ticket mod and ask them to enter it on your FAC, I haven't done it with a cf mod but I have with 3 for my rimfires, not a problem!"


That is a clear admission that you are a criminal. You can whine and argue about it all you like but you will be wrong.


You have lied to your licensing department.


You really need to stop digging mate.


I find it quite worryong that this site tolerates people posting their illegal exploits so openly.




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you have made a very serious and false claim that I have lied to my region, feel free to repeat that to my face any time you like. READ my post.

Not a lie at all. You said you had done it several times.


I'm quite happy to say it to your face or any other bodily part, if you like.



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Not sure how popular "grassing up" a fellow PW member would make you? Might be an interesting experiment-but would guess a lonely one :whistling:

Hahahaha, how can I possibly 'grass-up' someone when they have posted something on a pubic forum? Surely they have K

'grassed' themselves up? On another note, since when did membership of some pretty insignificant internet waffling forum equate to some sort of legionof honour? Please grow up!


Besides, Deckers, by his own admission has done something illegal. How on earth is it my fault if he gets caught?


Honestly, there are too many pillocks like him who go about doing illegal **** and bragging about it in public. None of us should have to put up with that sort of idiocy. You may not care what consequence it has on shooting but I do.




Not sure how popular "grassing up" a fellow PW member would make you? Might be an interesting experiment-but would guess a lonely one :whistling:

Hahahaha, how can I possibly 'grass-up' someone when they have posted something on a pubic forum? Surely they have K

'grassed' themselves up? On another note, since when did membership of some pretty insignificant internet waffling forum equate to some sort of legionof honour? Please grow up!


Besides, Deckers, by his own admission has done something illegal. How on earth is it my fault if he gets caught?


Honestly, there are too many pillocks like him who go about doing illegal **** and bragging about it in public. None of us should have to put up with that sort of idiocy. You may not care what consequence it has on shooting but I do.



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To quote you;


"It is not unknown for people to make their own, so simply advise your region you bought an off ticket mod and ask them to enter it on your FAC, I haven't done it with a cf mod but I have with 3 for my rimfires, not a problem!"


That is a clear admission that you are a criminal. You can whine and argue about it all you like but you will be wrong.


You have lied to your licensing department.


You really need to stop digging mate.


I find it quite worryong that this site tolerates people posting their illegal exploits so openly.





You have completely lost it!


Perhaps you would be kind enough to tell me and everyone else where I have lied to my region!


I wonder how long it will be before your arrogant misinformed posturing will get this topic closed?





Edited by Dekers
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Hahahaha, how can I possibly 'grass-up' someone when they have posted something on a pubic forum? Surely they have K

'grassed' themselves up? On another note, since when did membership of some pretty insignificant internet waffling forum equate to some sort of legionof honour? Please grow up!


Besides, Deckers, by his own admission has done something illegal. How on earth is it my fault if he gets caught?


Honestly, there are too many pillocks like him who go about doing illegal **** and bragging about it in public. None of us should have to put up with that sort of idiocy. You may not care what consequence it has on shooting but I do.








J. you are pushing the boundaries way to far, reel it in!


Accusing me of lying to my region (what the hell fantasy have you got going on in your head) and slagging off this forum is not a good idea!

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Anyone is well advised to contact their Firearms Dept , or BASC to get a definitive answer to such licensing questions, especially when there is a wide disparity on the advice you are being given here..

It won't be any defence to explain that you read it on an Internet Forum.

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Jonathan, Dekers has said that he has purchased 3 x moderators for his rimfires. He purchased them from someone who had them off-ticket for whatever reason (possibly that they were home made). Then, he contated his licensing department to tell them all about it, and to put them on his own ticket. What is illegal about this? Or do you have some different interpretation of what has happened? Don't you think Dekers would have been in a spot of bother with his own licensing authority, when he contacted them to explain his new purchases, if they had any concerns? Are you on crack?

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You have completely lost it!


Perhaps you would be kind enough to tell me and everyone else where I have lied to my region!


I wonder how long it will be before your arrogant misinformed posturing will get this topic closed?






I have pointed it out twice. You said that you made three moderators and then told them that you bought them as off-ticket ones. You lied because you told them that you bought them when, in fact, you made them.


I don't even see the point in the lie because making your own mod is not an offence to start with!




J. you are pushing the boundaries way to far, reel it in!


Accusing me of lying to my region (what the hell fantasy have you got going on in your head) and slagging off this forum is not a good idea!


I wasn't slagging it off. I simply said that it's just another pretty insignificant forum among millions of others. Which it is.



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Firearms and related English law is a right mess, additions, changes new laws often contradictory. Is it surprising a few are confused?


Correct and the most sensible comment in several posts.


Firearms laws are way too convoluted and technical for most shooters to deal with, especially when things like these aren't things people deal with every day. Even licensing departments get it wrong a lot of the time. It is getting to the point, quite frankly, where things are becoming so complicated as regards firearms that is brining the system into disrepute. People are committing technical offences (some quite serious) all time simply because the law is so complicated.




Jonathan, Dekers has said that he has purchased 3 x moderators for his rimfires. He purchased them from someone who had them off-ticket for whatever reason (possibly that they were home made). Then, he contated his licensing department to tell them all about it, and to put them on his own ticket. What is illegal about this? Or do you have some different interpretation of what has happened? Don't you think Dekers would have been in a spot of bother with his own licensing authority, when he contacted them to explain his new purchases, if they had any concerns? Are you on crack?


He said he made them but told the licensing department that he bought them. Perhaps he didn't write it clearly enough but that's what he said.



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I have pointed it out twice. You said that you made three moderators and then told them that you bought them as off-ticket ones. You lied because you told them that you bought them when, in fact, you made them.


I don't even see the point in the lie because making your own mod is not an offence to start with!





I wasn't slagging it off. I simply said that it's just another pretty insignificant forum among millions of others. Which it is.



Your reading and comprehension is as appalling, as is your advice.




DO not EVER consider suggesting I lied to ANYONE!


Like I said a few pages back, I'm not wasting any more time with you, and an apology will not truck it, you have insulted me beyond belief with FALSE accusations, just be grateful I don't stoop to your levels!


Correct and the most sensible comment in several posts.


Firearms laws are way too convoluted and technical for most shooters to deal with, especially when things like these aren't things people deal with every day. Even licensing departments get it wrong a lot of the time. It is getting to the point, quite frankly, where things are becoming so complicated as regards firearms that is brining the system into disrepute. People are committing technical offences (some quite serious) all time simply because the law is so complicated.





He said he made them but told the licensing department that he bought them. Perhaps he didn't write it clearly enough but that's what he said.






READ MY POST! I DID NOT SAY I MADE THEM, I DID NOT LIE TO MY REGION, and YOU are seriously looking for trouble!

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Gettting back to the point of the discussion. The shop must record the name and address of the person who bought the moderator in their register.


A ridiculous state of affairs as you can quite legally walk out of the shop and sell it on to anyone you like without recording the transaction as long as they are over 18.



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On another note, since when did membership of some pretty insignificant internet waffling forum equate to some sort of legionof honour? Please grow up!





I think thats quite insulting


If its so insignificant then why are you here?


You seem only to be here to start an argument, which it seems you could start in an empty room.


You do yourself no favours with your attitude towards this forum



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Guys, I enjoy this forum and enjoy the banter that comes with it. I have however noticed over the last few months that a lot of good relevant threads have been ruined and eventually closed due to the same person. I have this person on ignore and don't read the comments he makes due to finding his input boring and repetitive, but of course do see them when you guys quote his ramblings. Can I respectfully request that the decent guys stop quoting Rumpole unless it is really necessary.

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He said he made them but told the licensing department that he bought them. Perhaps he didn't write it clearly enough but that's what he said.




No, he didn't - he said he bought them then told the licensing department. He wrote it clearly enough for everyone except you it would seem. And I have a perfectly good understanding of the English language thanks very much - the inference that you somehow have some kind of superior comprehension to the rest of us is fairly typical unfortunately.


However, where something is a little unclear to me, I ask a few questions to build clarity. If you had done the same, then you wouldn't have made the accusations you did. Instead of an attempt at reading between the lines to come up with your own interpretation, you could have just asked exactly what he meant. You are the only person on this thread that believes Dekers said that he made the moderators.


I don't know the guy, but do you really think that a pro pest controller (as far as I can remember) would risk his livelihood by lying to his licensing authority about a few mods that cost, what, £10-£20 each? Then, not only that he'd go and tell the world about it on an internet forum, and further recommend others do the same? Really?

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