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stuck home brew....

leeds chimp

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Guest cookoff013

i always aerate the beer before chucking in the yeast (pitching)


the last one i did was with 11g of nottingham, in a wilkinsons kit. went off like a rocket, bubbling away after 3hrs.


the only successful way to get a good brew going is aeration and decent starter yeast.



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Just getting into homebrewing courtesy of lord Geordie packing up and donating all his kit to me "many thx again" got everything I will ever need and I will be starting next month when I get back off holiday so apologies in advance for all the stupid questions I will be asking. "accelerators" "going off like rockets" "bubbling away" sounds quite volitile was it invented in North Korea :)

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Homebrew guru Graham Wheeler suggests a good stir with a sterile spoon to churn things up. It worked once for me – combined with an afternoon in the airing cupboard. Obviously the cleaner you & the spoon are the better...


This would have been my answer before re pitching.


Make sure spoon is properly sterilsed and then gently rouse the yeast and slurry in the bottom on the FV, you might find it wakes up. If not re pitch.

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I'm a rank amature when it comes to brewing but I've had the same problem twice and a very knowledgeable bloke at the brewing shop said it is very unlikely that the yeast is dead, but just needs the right environment to start, so gave it a really good stir and waited and it soon got going. You only need a tiny amount of yeast to get it started as it multiplies very quickly when it is ready.

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nothing at all...

Seems got a leak in the barrel somewhere and the airlock is "not working" but was surprised that it took 3 days to get going

Cheers. My barrel is leaking air too, it's an old aluminium Boots barrel but the o ring has perished and I can't find a replacement that fits.
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What size is the O ring?

I've measured the internal diameter (the the hole) as 91 mm so its probably a 90 mm that I need, and it is around 4mm wide. I'v tried buying a similar size chopping a bit out and gluing it back together with vulcanizing glue but it still leaks.


Edit: Ignore that, I've found some on ebay that should fit.

Edited by FalconFN
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