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handgun petition


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Deadline to sign up by: 17 November 2007 –


In 33 States in the US, the relegalisation of handguns has caused crime rates to fall substantially. In the UK, it should be criminals rather than citizens who walk in fear. I call upon the Prime Minister to relegalise ownership and carrying of handguns, after passing a training qualification, by any adult with no history of violence or mental instability.

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Was it not Thomas Jefferson who said "an armed society is a polite society"? I also think he said ""When you have a people that fear the government, you have tyranny. When you have a government that fear the people, you have freedom." Our Government do not seem to be overly afraid of us.

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Was it not Thomas Jefferson who said "an armed society is a polite society"? I also think he said ""When you have a people that fear the government, you have tyranny. When you have a government that fear the people, you have freedom." Our Government do not seem to be overly afraid of us.

did you sign it then please.

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Was it not Thomas Jefferson who said "an armed society is a polite society"? I also think he said ""When you have a people that fear the government, you have tyranny. When you have a government that fear the people, you have freedom." Our Government do not seem to be overly afraid of us.

did you sign it then please.

I did, I will pass the link to one or two others I know.

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Was it not Thomas Jefferson who said "an armed society is a polite society"? I also think he said ""When you have a people that fear the government, you have tyranny. When you have a government that fear the people, you have freedom." Our Government do not seem to be overly afraid of us.


Course not...we don't count! This government doesn't listen so next time you get the chance kick the ******** into touch big time! Give DC a chance I say, lord he can't be any more of a toss pot than Mr Bliar. What did we ever do to end up with him in charge?

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Personally this scares the **** out of me, Its bad enough concealed knives but handguns is another matter, no way is it necessary or a good thing.



I think the general t hought behind this is!!


IF a burglar knows a guy in a house has a handgun on him and the guy 3 doors down don't which house will the burglar break into??


If handguns are normal every day accessories then Assault and violent crime SHOULD take a turn as most people will think twice before having a pop at a guy if they think he is armed :lol:


I forget where it is but somewhere like Denmark they HAVE to have a gun in the house BY LAW :shout:


Look at THEIR crime rates :lol:



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It is different having a gun at home and a concealed one when you are out. Look at instances of roadrage etc that could end up being settled by gun. anybody pretty much would be able to get hold of one without necessarily being able to use it safely, personally I think the majority of the British public couldn't be trusted with a handgun.

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Did I just read that right? Did it really say take war to the criminals and allow law abiding citizens to carry concealed handguns?


Jesus christ whatever next? The shooting bodies are trying their damnedest to get handguns legalized for olympic shooters without trying to get a law passed so you can carry one as self defence.


I will not sign that one. Why not try and get an anti tank machine gun fitted to your car to deal with road tax dodgers?

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It is different having a gun at home and a concealed one when you are out. Look at instances of roadrage etc that could end up being settled by gun. anybody pretty much would be able to get hold of one without necessarily being able to use it safely, personally I think the majority of the British public couldn't be trusted with a handgun.



In 33 States in the US, the relegalisation of handguns has caused crime rates to fall substantially. In the UK, it should be criminals rather than citizens who walk in fear. I call upon the Prime Minister to relegalise ownership and carrying of handguns, after passing a training qualification, by any adult with no history of violence or mental instability.



Look at instances of roadrage

so are you the type to settle an argument with a gun= no . so why should the law abiding public suddenly turn

into executioners .

an armed society is a polite society.


Why not try and get an anti tank machine gun fitted to your car to deal with road tax dodgers?


thats between the tax evader and the police,

if a scum bag has a gun up your nose, or is breaking into your house to rape and rob your family thats your business.

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if a scum bag has a gun up your nose, or is breaking into your house to rape and rob your family thats your business.


Tell that to Tony Martin, I am sure he would disagree.



he's another story altogether, he deserved what he got.


Handguns being carried would just mean criminals would have to carry them, theres a big difference between having a concealed weapon and the right to defend yourself in your own home, they are two different arguments alltogether

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It's gone and there's no way it's gonna come back. There's not enough people seriously interested in owning one or in having a genuine use for one for any government to pass laws making it legal. In certain very genuine circumstances there's a possibility of having one at present but that's as far as it goes.


I know we (gun owners) take a lot of flak and have to comply with more and more legislation which the crims don't but at least we have the law on our side.

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he's another story altogether, he deserved what he got.



how do you deserve to be burgled,.




Handguns being carried would just mean criminals would have to carry them


the crims already are. hence the petition.


he had an unlicensed gun and pretty much was waiting for them then shot one in the back. There are mitigating circumstances but anyone with an unlicensed gun stands to go to prison even without shooting anyone. the press got behind him and it did get some interesting talk going about a householders right to defend themselves but he was the wrong person to make a case about as he didn't help himself at all.


crims rarely carry guns despite what you read in the paper but it would get to the point where every crim would carry a gun and end up a bit like living in the USA where if the crim wants something bad enough they shoot you dead in case you defend yourself.


Personally i find it hard to believe anyone who owns a gun in the UK reckons we'd be better off if most of the population carried them

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