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Young shots doesn't necessarily mean bad shots?

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Hello everyone,


Just a quick thought which i wondered if anyone agreed. I am 23 and have been shooting since the age of 12, when my dad gave to me my first spring loaded air rifle to shoot rats with on some old farm land while he fired his FAC rifles.


Since then I have had lots of rifles sub12ft/ and FAC and shot countless small game and can quite easily hit a rabbit over the 100yd mark but because of my age i have had trouble getting on to farm land. Up until last week I had land/permission to shoot on which got sold, so now I have to look around to find somewhere new to shoot. However because of my age i am instantly dismissed as inexperienced and looked upon as if i have no idea as what i am doing even though i am a stickler for safety and fully insured with BASC and have over 11 years of experience.


How do we except the sport of shooting to expand and carry on if young shots are frowned upon and are rarely taken under someone's wing for guidance and experience. i completely understand that there are many young shots who wouldn't even hesitate at taking a shot at a rabbit with a main road as the back drop :no: but to be put in this stereotype is so frustrating and is fast becoming a pet hate of mine so just wondered if anyone out there felt the same way or has had similar problems.


Many thanks to any replies, Nick :)

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I fully understand your situation.


Unfortunately you may find that some other far less sensible shooter has been in before you and spoilt things through poor behaviour!


A chap I know used to have some of the land that I now enjoy, his problem was that he never got out on the ground. The farmers aren't stupid!


I think you would benefit from having an older shooting partner who could vouch for you.


Good luck

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Thanks for the input and more than likely (tightchoke) its quite a common problem around the Essex area


Its a shame really i know shooters my age who are so impatient and want to go be like John Wayne and doesn't fully understand or appreciate the power of a FAC rifle i am all for young people to take the next generation of shooters ahead, however its the majority who have ruined it for the few young shots who really want to learn the sport also i have taught people double my age how to be safe and fire rifles if anything i should be vouching for them :lol: its the stereotype something that i don't think i will be able to beat until my years reach well into the 30s :/


thanks for the replies ( looks like your in the same boat -the pigeon man-)


Nick :)

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I feel your pain mate, I'm in the same position! I must have knocked on 30 doors now and it's always the same response... 'We have got someone already'. (I'm 23 too)

If it makes you feel better i have chased up 19 golf clubs to see if they need anyone for pest control (hi i am nick fully insured BASC member and 11 years under my belt any chance SLAAAAMMMMMMMM !!!!!! ) take that as a no then thanks for your time :lol: still all i can do is keep looking around.

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keep asking mate! im 24 and shoot with a freind of the same age we have around 20 farms to shoot on and tbh we havent been turned down yet! we are both insured and experienced and reliable, we enjoy shooting all year round but we are dedicated to keeping on top of vermin ect for them! where i live the farmers all know and talk to each other so refrences are alway there!


keep trying mate your not alone, best of luck in finding some ground


Edited by fabarm gamma boy
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I'm 23 and my shooting mates 24 we have about 1300 acres. It can be done just sell your self! Being young means no kids so you can stay out late nights, stay in the cold for longer than the oldes, walk for longer, visit the land more often. Look smart sell your self and in no time you'll get sumthing!! Good luck :good:

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Thanks to all your replies its defiantly harder to get permission for a rifle than a shotgun, the thing that infuriates me is i have been shooting on farmland for years and to be honest i thought for many more years to come however its only because the land owner sold the land that i have lost my shooting grounds. i thought that its not the end of the world and that i would just ask the next farmer or golf course but to be meet with such a brick wall was so unexpected i might as well sell my rifles and focus more on my fishing instead. However i am not easily pushed aside and will continue to search.


I am very happy to hear that so many young shots are trusted on farmland but due to me being around the Essex area its a lot harder as a shooter to gain someone's trust its usually through a friend of a friend that people get to shoot down here knocking on doors and selling myself is easily done however its usually met with would love to but i have to many shooters as it is.


Farm land that is free is a bit sparse here. :/


Many thanks Nick :)

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As said, do some beating and get yourself known.


With so many shoots in Cumbria due to it being so rural it is relatively easy to find land to shoot on.Are there no shoots in Essex,where perhaps you could offer yourself as a beater;it's a great toe in.

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As said, do some beating and get yourself known.

Appreciate the tip however i already have a full time job so unless there is beating at night or i take loads of time of work (not a option) :no: it wont be happening this is mainly the reason i only shoot rabbit for the late nights with night vision but thanks anyhow Nick :)

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