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Channel 4 - Skint


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I like'd the bit with the loverly lady and daughter shouting at the bloke's in the park drinking for leaving rubbish on the floor, when she's just shut the door on her old house looking like a right sh1thole. who's going to tidy that up.

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I like'd the bit with the loverly lady and daughter shouting at the bloke's in the park drinking for leaving rubbish on the floor, when she's just shut the door on her old house looking like a right sh1thole. who's going to tidy that up.


The wife was channel surfing last night and I saw the bit in the park (I told her to turn it over),Imagine having her as your mam!!!!! The kids to these toerags havnt got a chance in life have they!!!!!!!





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Loved the bit where the bloke was attempting to disconnect the washing machine and water was spraying everywhere and his partner(?) Was nattering him as she was getting wet. His reply... " you can suck my ******* **** you stupid ******* *****"

What a lovely bunch!!

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Wish I could get paid what THEY get paid, for doing 40 hours a week. Free rent £84, Free Council Tax £25, plus around £71.70 for JSA


£180 walk out for 40 hours. I get LESS than that for WORKING!


but geordie, you have something much better than them----------------------------------YOUR PRIDE!

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