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Frontera 2.8 diesel starting problems???


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Afternoon all,

Hopefully somebody can help as I don't really know much about engines/electrics.

My frontera has had starting problems for a while now, if it's cold it refuses to start, there is no clicking of starter motor or anything else. The battery is fine and according to garage the plugs are fine. Also just had the starter relay changed as well. If I leave it with bonnet open for a while to let air circulate it eventually starts?? My dash thermostat has never worked but it has QOS built in so not sure if this is a factor. I did fit a cable from starter motor to battery so I could "make a circuit and bypass" all the relays and this always worked however, when it went in for MOT the garage removed it. Sorry if this is a bit long winded but I don't really want to pay £48ph for diagnostic.

Thanks for reading and any responses.


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Why did the garage remove it for the MOT sounds a bit strange for them to do that.


If its not turning over at all have a look at the earthing strap might be corroded and its the lifting of the bonnet which rocks the car a little bit and makes contact. Not sure where the earthing strap is on those but quick test is to put connect a jump cable from an exposed metal part on the engine to the negative on the battery.

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Thanks for replies gents.

The engine is just totally dead, no noises from anywhere when it won't start, it's fine in warm/dry weather. Garage took cable off cause it was dangerous sparking it straight off *** terminal!

It's just doing my head in, works absoloutey perfect apart from this one thing. I personally think its a relay/connection between battery and starter/ignition.


Time to baffle myself with wire diagrams out of Haynes manual

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Sounds like a worn out ignition switch to me. Or a bad connection. Bad earth.


When you turn the ignition do you hear the heater plug relay timer working.


Get a tin of elcectrical contact cleaner to spray connections with.


I used to work on a lot of taxies and ignition switch failure was very common.

The contacts inside the switch just get worn out with the high voltage to the starter relay.


2.8 td Frontera not many left and they were the best ones to have. Pull like a train.

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Thanks for advice mate. Spoke to garage earlier and asked about the above and they said they could fit a start button for £60, might go halfords and do a bit of DIY. Or just fork out, need to get it sorted one way or other cause her indoors said if it ain't sorted next time I'm away she will sell/scrap it. Don't want to loose my beast lol

Thanks again


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Loads of those ignition & start button switches on Ebay from £8 upwards that Ferguson Tom has suggested.

It`s an easy fix and would sort the problem for not much money.

Is your starter solenoid on top of the starter motor.

I had a look on Ebay and not one Frontera A series ignition switch on there.

You would have to try 4x4 breakers for a switch.

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if you think its an earth problem get a jump lead and put one end on the engine and one end on neg of the battery if it starts or trys to start this will tell you if its a earth fault.

you have normally 2 wires on the starter motor. one is a thick heavy wire 12v constant. the second wire is alot thinner and should be 12v when you turn key to start this is your exciter wire. is dash lights coming on when you turn the ignition on? i do enjoy a electrical fault! im an electrician on mobile cranes.if you have a wiring diagram and you can send it to me il try to help you out. pm me if you want.

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