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FAC application help....

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Morning all,


Looking for a little help.


Im looking at getting into rifles and applying for my FAC but I was wondering which way is best to do it.


I was hoping to find some permission that has already been passed for .17 or .22 rifles and then apply for my FAC using the farmers permission slip etc. But at this moment in time Im finding it hard to get permission.


So my other way is to join a club (was going to do this anyway). I popped in last night and after speaking to them and seeing as I have a SGC my probation will only be 3 months which I can then apply for my FAC.


But doing it the club way as far as I know only allows me to shoot at clubs and solid bullets only.




If I was to go to the club route how easy it to convert my licence to hunting once I have the permission?


Am I best to wait till I get permission and then apply for my FAC with then no need to change my licence?


Also from what I have read it best to apply for as much as possible instead of having to keep changing it?


So if I apply going the club route what is the likely hood I would be able to apply for a .17 HMR with mod and a .22LR with mod


Therefore once I get the permission I have the rifles ready to go and just have to change ammo / licence class.


Also what is the biggest calibre some like me could apply for as I would like to go foxing / deer stalking or is this best done once I have my licence.


When would the earliest time be until I can apply. Do I have to wait until I finish my probation? Or seeing as my SGC took 19 weeks (nearly 5 months) could I apply after a month or so? (Start first week in July so should be done by end of Sept)





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I'd go the club route to begin with. Then at least you have your FAC and once you get a permssion somewhere, you get it changed over, which (hopefully) is a lot quicker than getting your FAC in the first place.


You would have to be a full member of a recognised club before you applied for your FAC.


I doubt you would get 17hmr as it is not a recognised target calibre. The cals my FEO would accept for target cals are .22lr, .223 and .308.


Apply for as many as you think you might need in the next 5 years (the life of your ticket) and don't forget moderators are classed as separate "slots".


Better still, call your FEO and ask. They are all different. :good:

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Thanks for that.


Within the last 30 mins I have just been given permission on a golf course that has already been passed for live rounds. (Just confirming caliber)


So once I have the permission slip, can I then apply using this? I will still also join a club as well.


I will also give me feo a ring.


The other thing is do they prefer shotguns and rifles in different cabinets or are they ok in the same?


I have a 5 gun cabinet at the moment with 2 shotguns on my ticket so have three spaces or am a best to get an extra cabinet for the rifles which then leaves me more room for extra shotguns if I ever want more.




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putting a location in your profile helps, as you may find someone reading could give you a permission on paper so to speak

have you got any experience shooting rifles, rimfire etc?


I bought a rifle cabinet with ammo safe, even when I only had shotguns, everything is stored together, 2 shotguns,2 rifles

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That's odd it was there


Sorted now.


I have shot .22 before and full bore sa80 a2 / l98


Use to shoot rabbits a about 5-7 years ago with a family friend.


I might get another cabinet with an ammo safe for the rifles as her indoors is looking at getting her sgc and fac in the future so it gives us more space.



Edited by Michaeli
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Apply with the Permission you have and for target if you join a club.


Apply for all the calibres you can justify, expanding ammo and moderators if you want them.


Rifle ammo MUST be stored separately to rifles, but storing all your guns together isn't a problem!

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If you have permission just apply for shooting vermin and any other lawful quarry, as long as the ground has been passed and you don't have a criminal record you shouldn't have much problem. If the land hasn't the FEO will inspect the land and recommend if it is ok. You can always join a club later and shoot with them, infact I have a good friend that has just gone down this route and has just started target shooting with me.

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Hi guys.


Got my permission letter now and just filling out my aplication.


We're do I put mods down.


I have five boxes for what type of fire arm I want. Do I put a mod for each caliber in a new box? And if so that means I don't have enough room for 3 guns and 3 mods.


Can I put mods for all three calibers in one box?




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Is there anywhere u can look to see if land is passes for fac?

You should be able to phone your firearms office to check if the land has been cleared and if so what the maximum calibre is that it is cleared for! All they should need is the landowners name and address (and the location of the permission if different from the landowners home address).

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