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Who suffers from recoil?


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ive used a light hyem 270 for years and found it sweet to shoot but my 243 rem 700 bdl was ******* brutle! a box of 100gr bullets and i had enugh. my sbs is the same i couldent shoot it all day in a hide its just too much....untill i got that leather recoil pad off mungler and its much better! i find semi outo twelvs about the nicest gun to shoot lots of shells thru

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Ok, not read all this so apologies if......


Shotguns (actually pretty much all guns) recoil, bigger gauge and heavier load shotguns tend to recoil more, but if the gun fits, your stance is good and you hold it correctly then it can be controlled, if not expect pain!


As for rifles and bigger calibre, pretty much the same goes, although some bigger calibres are pretty vicious. My Rem 700 .308 is a pussycat to shoot, another pal on here had a CZ .308 and the difference was astonishing, with the same load, so lots can be done to help manage this issue, which is always going to be a fact of life shooting!



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I'm not a big built lad but haven't ever had much problem from recoil. I shoot a 12 bore and the only time I have had an issued was shooting a 100 bird shoot on a brilliant summer Sunday with the thinnest t-shirt in the world on. Even then I think I had a problem similar to that mentioned above where I mounted the gun slightly wrong and it caught my shoulder. Never had an issue with rifles.

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I've found the .270 snappy in a light rifle too, I'm not a fan. Recoil varies a lot though and I found my .375H&H quite reasonable to shoot. My .338 Win Mag, well I had to give up on that before I'd got the sights set up completely as I was flinching them. In the field it's fine but on the range half a dozen shots and I've had enough of it. I have a fairly high pain tolerance and my shoulders take a bashing at work, but pain is pain and at the end of the day it's not nice.


I find fast recoil like the .300 Win Mag and .270 bothers me far more than slow thumps from heavier cartridges.


Ok range shooting with a .338 is a bit much. Mate of mine just bought a Caldwell lead-sled to help him set up his .338 WM. Had a go at the weekend and I must admit Its fantastic. 76 grains of powder still shunts the rest off the bench with about 20 lb of weight in it but its so slow and lazy you can't feel a thing. You can shoot all day long. Excellent rifle support and adjustment as well. After removing a spacer from the recoil pad to regain correct eye relief shooter error was all but elliminated, pulse and breathing oscillations were gone and you could achieve pin-point zero and an accurate assessment of hand-load performance.

Quite expensive for what it is, but a Godsend if you're setting up a heavy recoiling rifle or ultra-fine tuning hand loads. Only trouble is it makes plinking with a .338 pleasurable which gets expensive..

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hiya, i have got a 682 gold e i havent had it long and i had it fitted , on friday i shot 200 clays and my shoulder hurts to say the least would you say it does not fit properly or my mount isnt right. i am considering putting a kick eez pad on it has anyone got any views on these, cheers

get an auto

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Get a mesh skeet vest with a gel pad shoulder holder pocket. This will also help you with the different clothes you wear in the winter when you don't need it. The slight difference in your summer attire could be measurable in your hitting ability so it's a win win situation.from Auntie.

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