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Number plate valuation


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Hi all


Bit of a long shot perhaps, but I know there're some motoring industry types on here. I've been offered a car with the numberplate R?? RON (where the ?? are numbers). The seller was going to keep the plate (which is fine by me as I'm not called Ron and don't really want a personal plate anyway - not my style) but he now wants to avoid the hassle of transferring it to another car, and has offered it to me for a bit of extra cash. As I say, I don't particularly want it, or the hassle of transferring it either. But if I was to sell it, can anyone give me a realistic idea of what it's worth? I tried a few of the car reg sites, and they said around £800, which seems unrealistically high to me...


Also, anyone want to buy a numberplate for the RON in your life?!





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I'd say it would sell (to a willing buyer) for between £300 and £500, possibly more. We had one very similar but just initials and paid £750 from DVLA for it.

Needless to say you dont want the hassle of all that so I think a tenner is a winner all the way.

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Cheers Kes, that would be nice!


The guy accepted £10 for it, so could be worse! And at least I can get it insured and taxed now without waiting for the DVLA to issue a new numberplate.



Sounds like the best option!



Well don Ron!

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Cheers gents. :good:


Bit of a hassle with the seller asking me to forge his sister (the registered keeper)'s signature on the V5 form :/ , but eventually they drove down to sign. I think it's all sorted now! Better go and make a new post about my shooting Jimny! :beer:



Edited by sandspider
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Nope, just the one! Does have a few bits and pieces to fix that the seller didn't mention, but I was expecting that. He delivered it to me from about an hour's drive away, but we couldn't do the paperwork there and then due to the reg change (later abandoned), and he didn't want to drive down again to do the paperwork! (Think he just wanted rid, as it's his sister's car) And think he's lazy rather than criminal!

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