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What shall I do ?

jonno 357

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Whilst dropping honourable son No1 off at school this morning I witnessed a split **** in a landcruiser srcap the rear bumper of a parked yellow megane car whilst she was trying to her motor at the side of the megane


I don't think she had any idea she had scraped the megane but the bumper was clearly damaged


What should I do ? The landcruiser owner lives directly opposite me and I also know the yellow megane owners husband only very informal


The landcruiser is now parked up and as I type I can see the flecks of yellow paint on the bumper of the landcruiser


Do I mention it to the landcruiser owner and tell them what they did this morning and for them to make contact with the megane owner ?



See the Megane owners husband myself and rat on the landcruiser owner and be a witness to the accident ?



Say nothing to either party ?


Deploy Yorkshire in breed tactics of "whats in it for me" and charge the megane owner cash of answers ?


Take a "large drink" from the landcruiser for vow of silent?


What a Dilema!!!


Jonno :oops::):lol:

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If you were the owner of the Megane what would you wish to happen? I don't see the dilemna, speak to the owner of the Landcruiser and tell them what you saw. Give them a day to do the honourable thing and if they don't then speak to the owner of the Megane.

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Worked for a man many years ago (@ 1985) It was a bloody cold winter and as we were driving down a side road he slid into a parked car denting it along the passenger side door.

He got out and wrote a note which he stuck behind the windscreen wiper.

I thought that this was a pretty good thing to do as several people had witnessed it, and I think this was appreciated by them as well because they all moved on without comment.

It was only later that I found out that he hadn’t actually written anything on the note, but had simply pretended to in order to get out of any insurance payout.

This was a company car and he wouldn’t have been personally out of pocket, so I thought that this was the meanest thing I had ever seen.

I was tempted to give the bloke a call, but it could have resulted in a loss of my job………..wasn’t very impressed I can tell you. :oops:


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