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vixen and cub


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hi guys,last night was almost a pint of beer night with the heat etc, but me and my mate stubble rash went on his ground again after these foxes we keep seeing,in all fairness we looked, squeaked,squeaked and looked with a lamp each and see nothing but sheep eyes in long grass which always make you react to nothing,any way after may be 2 hours we see 4 sets of eyes in 1 field, i jumped out the truck shot a vixen only 120 yard away, we lit up the other 2 eyes which was a doe and her young which was good to see to be honest, we left them then i got back in the truck to see the fourth set of eyes back where we shot the first, i jumped out and shot the cub which was looking for its mother, which i did feel sorry for but way i am some times but it had to go,we did call another up to 60 yard away but in rushsess and i could,nt take the shot as sheep where every were, so we have had 5 in 2 nights which to me aint bad going and if i dont watch it my new remy is gona need rebarrling soon ha ha cheers simon.....ps the coloured bolt is silver realy ive no idea why its gone purple ha ha


Edited by simon6ppc
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  On 22/07/2013 at 06:14, camokid said:

some good trips out there.. why do you have a red bolt ??


Its the light from the lamp,it's an orange filter on and taken on a camera phone. At least i think that's why as the bolt was stainless silver on saturday haha

  On 22/07/2013 at 06:35, Sx3 clay breaker said:

Good one si is this the ppc or the new 250 ??


Atb scott

It's his 250 Scott.



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thanks for the relpys guys, ive shot 7 foxes now with the new 22.250 its been brilliant to shoot, remington have come up in the world in my eyes,the gun i use, i feel confident to shoot it out to 300 yards and it groups under half inch at 110 yards, happy days,just not for the foxes :good::good::good: cheers simon....

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  On 22/07/2013 at 16:49, davecooper1 said:

You are doing well on the foxes Simon :good:

ye dave just these last 2 or 3 months it has been silly to be honest,we put our birds down 3 week since and had only 2 since then which is good realy but i know they are there with the signs, just not always seeing them with the long grass etc,but as yet the birds are doing fine cheers simon...

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  On 23/07/2013 at 07:55, tonyrapid177mk2 said:

well done simon that .22/250 is certainly earning its keep mate...nightmare for the foxes though :yes:

ye thanks tony, i had the old sako out last night, i had missed it,ha ha ,but ye its a tool that remy.cheers simon......

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