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Lyavale Pigeon Express -30g 6's

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Anybody else using these?


Been shooting with them for a couple of months and although it may be coincidence, I suddenly seem to be achieving a less acceptable clean kill ratio. Thought it was just me, but shot with a friend yesterday and the numbers were similar.

Edited by -Mongrel-
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I had a couple of box's of William Powell - Blue lightnings (or something like that) they were 32g 5.5's and my word were they good on the pigeons.

Never winged a thing and took on some good high birds with them.


I have used the Lyavale carts and found them alright but i did wing quite a few, in fact they seemed to really struggle on the pigeons in the winter. (could just be me of course)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I used Express for Trap shooting and I used to use thousands a year as I shot D.T.L at all major competitions including in the world championships in 1994, and found these to be one of the fastest cartridges on the market. But when you swap shells there's always a bit of doubt in your mind, and if you miss a few your brain tells you its the cartridge when in fact its you, but that's when the rot sets in and your confidence goes. What people should understand is shooting a shotgun in winter when you have layers and layers of clothing on, and then in summer when you have next to nothing on when its red hot like its been recently. so could be blaming the cartridges when in fact you haven't adapted for the difference in clothing by lengthening or shortening the stock by adding or reducing a spacer, makes all the difference: Dave

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I also shot in the 1994 world DTL, it was at mid-wales sg and Terry Humphreys won it with 300x 598 beating Bill Isle of Australia into second place, Australia fielded a senior, junior and veteran teams and i asked Bill why there was no ladies team and i always remember his reply, he said, ****** OFF, WE WANT A BIT OF FUN WHEN WERE AWAY.

I came 11th overall out of nearly 500 shooters and won nothing for my efforts, but i have wonderful memories, i was the only competitor using a semi auto (Remington 1100) Happy days.

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