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Need advice before I ring council building dept

jonno 357

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Do I need planning and building permission from the local council to convert a garage to a room ?


The garage is part of my house not a free standing one and has two bedrooms above the garage. Its already wired up with a ceiling light and 2 twin sockets on the downstairs ring main


The kitchen runs along the back of the garage and there is a fire door from the garage to the kitchen


Basically I want to rip out the garage door. Brick it up and fit a UPVC window were the garage door was. Install floor joists, insulate walls underfloor space and plaster board the walls- Nothing major !


its not listed property or owt like that just a bog standard 3 bed semi in red brick with a garage added on with 2 beds above garage and a kitchen and dining room extension and the back


Any builders on here or anyone done a project similar if they got any advice would be greatly appreciated



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Have recently done same to mine, no planning permission required but do need building regulations.



Did you have to pay the greedy ******** any of your hard earned cash for some blobby fat over weight council official usually in a blue shirt with a mega fat belly and hanging over his pants to come out and talk like he is the grafter of the year and tell you how much it costs ?

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Did you have to pay the greedy F%%kers any of your hard earned cash for some blobby fat over weight council official usually in a blue shirt with a mega fat belly and hanging over his pants to come out and talk like he is the grafter of the year and tell you how much it costs ?

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My small building business specialised in converting garages. ( convert a garage) you won't need planing permission. I don't know any thing about your house you may have covernents on it that might restrict it.


If you want any help or advice pm me and I'll give you some tips and go through it with you.



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sometimes they take into account how many cars you can get on your drive. Where my dad lives, you cant convert a garage unless you still have 2 parking places afterwards, as they see it as their business that garages should be used to park cars. A couple of people have just done it anyway with no regs or parking spaces.

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Did you have to pay the greedy F%%kers any of your hard earned cash for some blobby fat over weight council official usually in a blue shirt with a mega fat belly and hanging over his pants to come out and talk like he is the grafter of the year and tell you how much it costs ?


be sure to mention that when he comes, after all he is only trying to make sure the house is safe to live in.

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Did you have to pay the greedy F%%kers any of your hard earned cash for some blobby fat over weight council official usually in a blue shirt with a mega fat belly and hanging over his pants to come out and talk like he is the grafter of the year and tell you how much it costs ?

You have described him perfectly it cost £350 for 5 visits (at various stages) and those 5 visits must have taken up 10 minutes of his time, total.

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