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This weeks Fieldsports Britain. www.fieldsportschannel.tv


Three new Pellets from RWS up to 30 % faster and harder hitting very interesting. :hmm:


They were out in spring but they are now in the UK. :good:

Hypermax + Hyperdome are made very light hence a lot faster.

Powerball have a steel ball in the end of a hollow point by the looks of them supposed to be good for Hunting. Are they accurate will be the question. :unsure:


Happy :shoot:

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have to agree with salop,,one thing I have noticed is the rws superfield seem to be made of mainly tin , hardly any lead in them quiet accurate though. not as accurate as the JSB exact,s 15.89g in all my air rifles,


so as salop said it will be lead for me also

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Something to consider, a lead ban has already started with the shotgun users, wildfowlers now use steel?

How long before that gets extended to airgunners?

From what I've managed to find out, lead free pellets don't like choked barrels, which country has the only airgun manufacturers making guns with unchoked barrels?


If a lead ban comes in it will be a dateline ban, so if you have 10,000 pellets left they will still be illegal.

So much as I love my AA Fields I'll still try alternatives just in case.

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I have tried a few in the past (ie)

Prometheus and Thunderbolts they were OK at close range but at 30 yds plus they were ****.

Not very accurate and leave little shards of plastic in your barrel nice. **** that.

If there is a lead ban coming. I have over 15.000 lead pellets.

And one Rifle that is designed to load and shot Accupells in its in line mag.

I use a lot of Crosmam premier magnums. RWS superdomes. RWS superfields.

And i find them very accurate out to 50 yds.

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No doubt that these will be the best thing in the world of airguns since the PCP-they will cure cancer, solve the worlds food problems and be the source of world peace-just like every other type of pellet invented since the good old lead dome head-lets see, in a years time, how many competitions are won using them.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Been using logun penetrators and had no problem with those? I cant find a decent source as to what they are made of though. Most places seem to say they are lead-free...




Logun Penetrators are Exterminators - Made of 99.5% - Lead - Now Marketed by Rangright as Exterminators


Worst bit of Advertising - many still think they are not made of Lead -



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