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no work equals pigeon bashing

Pigeon driller

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Me and simon6ppc headed out to work this morning to find are house had been stole . so we finished our other house off and stuffed work wen home loaded the van with pigeon gear and set out for a pigeon safari. we called at first farm to find nothing cut and not much flighting so it were off to another farm. got to the second farm to find the combine just starting the first field but alot flighting abouut but thought we would go to another farm and see wat were there we have had some good days there. finally got there to find nothing watched for about an hour or so nothing we looked at each other ans thought no work no pigeons wat next lol. soso remembered had some more land close to home wich were whole crop but i new it hadnt been cut but we thought stuff it we may aswell have a look as seen as we had drove all over the country . finally reached are final destinatio nto find a good thousand plus birds on it but its never been my favourate place to shoot due to houses and surroundings. by this time it were 3 pm we couldnt really decoy due to no flat spots so we setteled for flight as the farmer said he wanted them shooting so we fot down under a steady flight line about 20 yards apart and started shooting there were alot of shots we coulnt take due to houses and road we had some testing shots both shot really well and ended the three hour sesion with 86 birds not a bad day after all. now were stuffing our faces with a ****** before our big fox safari covering over 8 farm if we can keep awake lol.post-59822-0-22438100-1377117050_thumb.jpg

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