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I don't use the soap drawer I prefer tabs. My hand fits perfectly into the seal, very clean. I also have a very thin soft brush which I can get in their to assist anything that dares to stick. As it happens I tend to have a new machine every couple of years as it gets used a lot.

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I don't use the soap drawer I prefer tabs. My hand fits perfectly into the seal, very clean. I also have a very thin soft brush which I can get in their to assist anything that dares to stick. As it happens I tend to have a new machine every couple of years as it gets used a lot.


I was more meaning between the tub and the drum, pipe to pump, and pipe away from pump. Sadly it won't shift the wires from underwired bras that magically leave the bra and migrate to the pump, requiring a partial dismantling when it happens...

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Clothes go into the laundry basket, somehow enter the magically spinning machine and hay presto, they reappear folded in the cupboard!! I'm still trying to figure out how this happens!!!


Bicarbonate of soda around the seal leave over night, and then a short cycle hot wash. Or buy a new one!

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Marc buy her a washing machine and then she's got more time to do other chores around the house, that's what my old man did last year, best thing hes ever done for me

best thing i ever got the wife was a dyson pet hoover thingy .........now she's got the idea she is my very own little dyson :lol::lol::lol::lol:

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