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Discovery value..??


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Does anyone have a rough idea what a 1993 K 200tdi would be worth.


180k. Excellent starter/runner. New springs and shocks all the way round. New boot floor. Four new body to chassis mounts. Timing belt and water pump done at 138k. Lots and lots of other work done over the years. Taxed till end of January tested till march.


Bad points. Rear diff leaking. Needs new swivel housing and gubbings on the left side and the back box decided to fall off lol. Also it's no Picaso, drivers seat has a rip and there's plenty of bipod marks on the bonnet.

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It's a discovery mate not a defender but ill take 3k all day lol

DOH, I didn't read that bit properly :blink: I have an N reg Defender with 119k on it and know what I've been offered, hence my comment. Sounds like you have had all the "go wrong" bits already done so.....

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