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What (cheap) powder measure to buy?

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For rifle ammunition (.22-250), what I've done so far is use a sort of scoop I made out of an empty 7.62 case cut down and soldered to a piece of brass bar - lee call them dippers I think. I scoop powder out of the tub and tip it into the pan on my scales and use a trickler to finish it off very precisely before tipping it into the case.


However, the whole process is pretty slow and can be a bit of a p.i.t.a to be honest so I'm thinking about buying a relatively cheap powder measure, dropping powder into my scale from that and trickling just like I have been. So, I don't see any need for a super fancy measure but don't want something that's so poorly made it causes problems like getting jammed or dropping way too much now and then or whatever; the idea's to speed the process up a little and make it more enjoyable not cause myself more headaches!


what's best for under about £40? Or are the cheap ones all rubbish?

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I can only speak for the Lee perfect powder measure. I have used this make of powder thrower for many, many years, and have never had a problem with them. It's accurate, throw after throw, and never loses it's accuracy. When reloading, I check a few loads with my RCBS beam scales, and the Lee has always been spot on.

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I use a Lee perfect measure also, although I never load straight from the measure, always dump and trickle. However, if I was a straight dumper then I think the Lee is as accurate as any of them. I have a fancy Ohaus measure and it's no more accurate than the Lee. The Lee does tend to have a smallish hopper so if you're dropping 50 grains or more a time you will only get around 50 rounds before you need to top-up.


Here's a really interesting article by Laurie Holland comparing measures - The Lee came out better than some of the really up-market ones.

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There are a couple of these in the for sale section at the moment. Great bits of kit. Throw half a grain low and trickle up if you're fussy or just throw the whole load if you're not. I throw my deer loads and they shoot sub 1". I only weigh every tenth to check it's all going ok!

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I have one and found it to be very consistent even if just strait dumping.

but really fine powder will leak from around the drum. It may be that mine is a bit worn.

It's not a lot but still quite annoying :/


If you take it apart and clean it out, when you put it back together again you can adjust the clearance of the cones by varying the tension on the centre bolt holding it together.

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If you take it apart and clean it out, when you put it back together again you can adjust the clearance of the cones by varying the tension on the centre bolt holding it together.

Have done that pal. It's this 300 mp and have been told h110 does it too such a fine powder. It's not the end of the world.

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