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Will any field do?!


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Was out walking the fields around my house earlier, and I cant seem to see any definite flightline.

I dont have lots of pigeons feeding on the wheat and oat stubble, so my question is;

if I were to have a go at decoying, are there some areas that will just not work or do I just need to keep looking for a

more consistent flightline.

I'd be gutted if our fields didnt provide me any shooting!


Any guidance would be much appreciated - I'm looking to learn as much as possible.



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I have found some fields the pigeon will feed well on and some they avoid and will not use in numbers, I met a young lad some years ago who was so excited that he had gained permission to shoot a local dairy farm . But I knew he would be disappointed as it was always devoid of birds except for the occasional fighting bird when we were talking I suggested that he use the far field which borders a cereal farm which has a good head of birds. I met up with him later in the year and he said that he had given up the farm as it had no birds. The reason I have quoted this is to confirm that to shoot birds you need them to find food and some fields may have food on them but they are defiantly not comfortable on some food fields. On the same vein I was chatting to an old boy years ago and he was talking about what we call Flightlines now and he said that the pigeons will always follow the Lay Lines when they move round the country this is a bit like the Passenger Pigeon in the USA this would follow the same lines all the time and led to its extinction . I'm sorry I've gone on a bit but pigeon are pigeon and you can not make them do what you want them to do you can only tempt them the come and look at your pattern,

Edited by pigeon controller
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Ive had twenty bird mornings on grass fields, as they flight over to get to the rape and often pull in to water on the water troughs. In a similar vein i have had mornings where i have sat like a pillock and had one or two chancers. Ive sat on rape stubbles and not seen a bird. Its a game, and only the pigeons know where they want to go, the rest is guess work, but doing plenty of reconnaissance helps find out what fields they return to regularly, they more you get out on your permission the more you will learn. But for most of us it is just finding the time.

Edited by demonwolf444
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