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My FEO phoned today to arrange a home visit for Thursday. Apparently he has been employed by Hants Constabulary because they are so busy, i have found out that he also knows few of the laws to do with licencing and younger people, he said that i cannot have the keys to my own cabinet, i cannot have guns in my house, i cannot shoot alone etc.


I am sure that these are not true, I have found out that the Home Office goes against him


What can i do, shall i say to him that i have found out that i can do all of these things? Shall i say nothing and tell BASC? Should i just keep my mouth zipped??


Please help, Thank-You for any replies

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Tell him your dad's on the square and it will be Bob's your Uncle :)


Seriously though, if he has told you these incorrect things then put it in writing to the BASC and get their written response to him ready for your meeting. He won't take your word for it - after all your under age, can't have guns etc etc (or so he thinks)


Also, my firearms chappy left me with a card and he has email - send him the links to the Government webby and the source information - obviously links to "bloke down the pub says" webbies won't carry any weight with him unless you happen to print the extract off on £50 notes and then hand them to him

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so i should phone BASC while he is there, this wont effect my chances of getting it, will it?


providing you meet the legal requirements, you are ENTITLED to have a SGC, disagreeing and proving the officer wrong should not effect your chances. If it does, you can take it to court and have it overturned i think.

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At the end of the day, if he is wrong, then tell him and give proof. As the others say, you have a right to own a shotty and he can't stop you unless he has good reason. He is only there to work to the rules, he doesn't make them. I'd go with the phoning BASC plan, and if you can, give him access to the home office site when he questions you. Don't rub it in that you know more than him because it wont help, but that doesn't mean you can't inform him of his mistake in a polite manner :)

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You do have to be 17 to have the keys to your own cabinet, and you also have to be 17 to go out on your own.


Having guns in your home is abit of b******t tho unless he personally deems it un-suitable


I know this for fact as i remember being allowed to go out for the very first time on my own with my old s/s as it was the same year i learnt to drive and passed my driving test

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You do have to be 17 to have the keys to your own cabinet, and you also have to be 17 to go out on your own.


Having guns in your home is abit of b******t tho unless he personally deems it un-suitable


I know this for fact as i remember being allowed to go out for the very first time on my own with my old s/s as it was the same year i learnt to drive and passed my driving test


You can go out on your own when your 15, be given or lent a gun/ammo at 15 and i had my own cabinet and access to it when i was 15.


where is your source?


I dont know where you got that from but my local authorities certainly dont allow that, not a shotgun.

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Under 14:


CAN hold an SGC


CAN NOT hold an FAC

CAN NOT purchase or hire a shotgun, or get one as a gift until 15


Under 15:


CAN hold an SGC AND an FAC

CAN (if specified on FAC) receive a gift of a section 1 firearm from age 14)


CAN NOT: Purchase or hire a shotgun (until 17)

CAN NOT: Purchase or hire a firearm (until 17)

CAN NOT: Receive a gift of a shotgun (until 15)

CAN NOT: Possess an assembled shotgun Unless supervised by someone over 21 (does not have to be SGC holder) OR the gun is so covered with a securely fastened gun cover that it can not be fired.


Under 17:


CAN hold an SGC and/or FAC

CAN (if specified on FAC) Receive a gift of a shogun or section 1 firearm (or possess a shotgun if covered and secured as above, from age 15)


CAN NOT: Purchase or hire a shotgun or section 1 weapon until 17.



That's the law :)

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