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Another Eb-lagger...


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So, I have won something on Ebay at a very sensible price. The seller reckons ebay are cancelling the transaction as an ebay glitch allegedly prevented him uploading photos.


Thing is, I messaged him yesterday and there was no mention of this. I reckon he's just ****** off as it didn't make enough money. Anyone know where I stand?


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Trouble is it's a truck, not like he's going to post it! I have to agree to cancel the transaction but don't really see what's to be gained by refusing to do so.


I can't make him sell it to me.

if ebay are cancelling the transaction they will contact you not the seller

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I'm aware that I'm unlikely to get the truck but I don't see why the a-holes of this world should get away with acting like...well, a-holes!


If he has to pay seller fees or the like it may make him think twice about backing out of a future sale!


All I want is a serviceable Disco for the winter ***! :lol:

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Right! After a marathon phone session with ebay, it's resolved.


I declined the cancellation request, which means he'll still be charged the final value and listing fees. I can if I so choose leave negative feedback still, and ebay are going to 'take action' against the seller.


What that means, I have no idea! However, it may mean he'll think twice on how he lists things or behaves in future!


Just as a point of interest, he messaged me offering to sell it to me for £120 more than I won it at....not that he wanted more money for it or anything! I declined that as well.

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