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cleaning of a. 17hmr

Mr Majyk

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What procedure do you all use to clean yours? I went out last night with mine and it was grouping horribly! I can only guess ive got a build up of copper fouling in my rifling? I cleaned it last week but I can only guess I didnt clean it well enough? Also, when I use the the bronze brush I always unscrew it at the muzzle and to draw the rod back through, with care of course, because I was once told that drawing the brush fron the muzzle is bad in someway? Any tips for cleaning would he greatly appreciated!

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i use a home made patch worm with 3/4" cotton patches,and kg 12 copper remover,i would not put a rod or boresnake near any of my gun barrels,i am cleaning this way 30 plus years,my dad (rip)who was in the army 40 years cleaned his rifles the way he learned me,he or me or any of my mates who use the pull through method,NEVER have had any accuracy issues,some like rods/boresnakes,i dont,i think using a plastic patchworm,one never has to worry about damage to a barrel,i know you cant scrub a barrel with a patch worm,but if you dont let it get that dirty in the first place,you wont need to scrub,i clean after 200 rounds,i dont spend hours doing it,and its bang on first shot,hope this bit of info helps :good: p.s. i own .22lr and .17 455 hmr thumbhole cz....also for other opinions go down this forum to 17 hmr cleaning kits :)

Edited by snipers eye
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This is how I do it: soak a patch in Butches Bore Shine, push that through. Leave 20 mins to soak in. I used to use Forrest bore foam, but mostly keep that for larger cals now as its just to awkward getting it into a .17 bore. Then attach a wire brush push through breech to muzzle removing before withdrawing the rod. Do this a few times to loosen the fouling. Then put through dry patches til they come clean. Then put through another soaked in Butches to test if the bore is truly clean. Then dry patches again until they come out spotless with rifling marks on them but no dirt. I'll finish with a patch dipped in meths to remove any trace of solvent. I do mine about every 100 rounds and if I keep to that routine it never becomes so dirty that its hard work.

I don't use a bore guide just care and a high quality coated one piece rod. Some will say you must use a guide or you'll damage the rifle. Don't agree with that, nor with using nylon brushes. Its a rifle barrel, its not made of chocolate. But each to their own.

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i use a home made patch worm with 3/4" cotton patches,and kg 12 copper remover,i would not put a rod or boresnake near any of my gun barrels,i am cleaning this way 30 plus years,my dad (rip)who was in the army 40 years cleaned his rifles the way he learned me,he or me or any of my mates who use the pull through method,NEVER have had any accuracy issues,some like rods/boresnakes,i dont,i think using a plastic patchworm,one never has to worry about damage to a barrel,i know you cant scrub a barrel with a patch worm,but if you dont let it get that dirty in the first place,you wont need to scrub,i clean after 200 rounds,i dont spend hours doing it,and its bang on first shot,hope this bit of info helps :good: p.s. i own .22lr and .17 455 hmr thumbhole cz....also for other opinions go down this forum to 17 hmr cleaning kits :)


can you tell us how to make it? any pics.?

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can you tell us how to make it? any pics.?

here you go,get a length of weed whacker line,cut it about 10" longer than barrel for grip,get an old wasted ink pen,cut a bit off the end of the tube that held the ink about 1/4",the one i used is white,but colour dont matter,thread the line through the bit of pen tube,see pictures,then use a lighter to melt the end of the line,so the pen tube cant slide off,then use a sharp blade the cut the other end at an angle so that its sharp enough to thread through the 3/4" sq cotton patch for a hmr,and thats it,it will be very easy to thread the line through the barrel as the line is very strong,i use kg 12 big bore cleaner,first pull a few dry patches through,then wet one,pull it through,leave it over night,this stuff desolves the copper so well,you wont see any signs of copper on the patches next day,google kg 12 big bore cleaner,see for your self. hope that helps :good:

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  • 2 months later...

What procedure do you all use to clean yours? I went out last night with mine and it was grouping horribly! I can only guess ive got a build up of copper fouling in my rifling? I cleaned it last week but I can only guess I didnt clean it well enough? Also, when I use the the bronze brush I always unscrew it at the muzzle and to draw the rod back through, with care of course, because I was once told that drawing the brush fron the muzzle is bad in someway? Any tips for cleaning would he greatly appreciated!

the reason the grouping is horrible is that you cleaned it...DONT clean it till it starts shooting off.since i stopped cleaning mine its just got better and better.i clean my c/f regular but doesnt seem to work with the hmr...imo

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the reason the grouping is horrible is that you cleaned it...DONT clean it till it starts shooting off.since i stopped cleaning mine its just got better and better.i clean my c/f regular but doesnt seem to work with the hmr...imo



Agree. Got my HMR (CZ452 Varmint) in 2006, god knows how many rounds i have put through her and iv never cleaned the inside of the barrel yet. Only problem with her grouping is when the t**t pulling the trigger has an off day :rolleyes: keep the mod. well cleaned and bolt clean and oiled then just wipe the rifle down every now and again and she does perfect.

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  • 1 month later...

i use a home made patch worm with 3/4" cotton patches,and kg 12 copper remover,i would not put a rod or boresnake near any of my gun barrels,i am cleaning this way 30 plus years,my dad (rip)who was in the army 40 years cleaned his rifles the way he learned me,he or me or any of my mates who use the pull through method,NEVER have had any accuracy issues,some like rods/boresnakes,i dont,i think using a plastic patchworm,one never has to worry about damage to a barrel,i know you cant scrub a barrel with a patch worm,but if you dont let it get that dirty in the first place,you wont need to scrub,i clean after 200 rounds,i dont spend hours doing it,and its bang on first shot,hope this bit of info helps :good: p.s. i own .22lr and .17 455 hmr thumbhole cz....also for other opinions go down this forum to 17 hmr cleaning kits :)


Ive just put together one of these as described by Snipers Eye and it was crazy easy to do. found that just melting the end of the cord didnt keep the piece of ink tube on when pressure applied so I used a dab of a good glue on the cord and pulled the pen tube over that, let it set and then melted the end of the cord a bit......GREAT TIP!

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Ive just put together one of these as described by Snipers Eye and it was crazy easy to do. found that just melting the end of the cord didnt keep the piece of ink tube on when pressure applied so I used a dab of a good glue on the cord and pulled the pen tube over that, let it set and then melted the end of the cord a bit......GREAT TIP!

good idea,must try that, :good:

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