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its funny what people believe in


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So not one was a Jew/Israelite? Can science and/or intelligence tell us how the whole of the universe just popped into being at the big bang, because there was nothing (not even space/time) and then all of a sudden there was everything?

Yeah some bloke all big and powerful decided to poo it out after his Sunday lunch. This must be true as everyone eats on a sunday. I blame it on the dolphins.

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Well if you believe in a book from thousands of years ago with ridiculous stories then why not just make more carp up?


Heard of Socrates? Plato? Is their philosophy, as you say, carp? Why is something that has lasted a thousand or so year more than ancient Greek philosophy any less believable?

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Heard of Socrates? Plato? Is their philosophy, as you say, carp? Why is something that has lasted a thousand or so year more than ancient Greek philosophy any less believable?

A lot of people think Darwin's theory is pony. They say he failed to prove the link between animals and humans, which means that animals evolved, but we dident. We happened because of some other reason, like a god.

Edited by unapalomablanca
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The difference between science and religion, is that science admits when they have discovered they got something wrong. The same cannot be said for religion.


Seriously? Big bang theory... taken as a given yet still a theory, not a discovery, yet taken as gospel by many. Relativity? Carbon dating? Fossil record?


There is a distinct difference between FAITH and science.

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The big bang is a theory, with supporting evidence found in a structured way. It's not definate that's why they are still searching for more evidence. There are many stories in the bible which simply are utter nonsense


...and many scientific theories that have been found to be utter nonsense.

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...and many scientific theories that have been found to be utter nonsense.

This was my point. Yes, many scientific theories that were proven to be nonsense. And they admit it!


Various religions won't do that about their theories! They still want you to believe the nonsense!



I think at the end of the day, everyone is entitled to believe what they want. If you have 'faith' in religion then good for you! And the same to those that trust in science.


As for the Jehovah's witness as stated in the OP, well at least they're keeping busy, and not vandalising bus stops, setting fire to wheelie bins, etc



Edited by simonix
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Lol hope this works

Ok photo didnt work.



If their is a god then why does the pope sit behind 3 inches of glass in the popmobile?


Because the pope isn`t God and therefore subject to 100% mortality.


Also god created the ability to 're grow' limbs, but why did hegive it to salamanders?


No idea, I`ll ask him when I see him.

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This was my point. Yes, many scientific theories that were proven to be nonsense. And they admit it!




This is not strictly true. In the area of human origins, there are examples of lower standards of evidence being applied to findings that support a 'theory', or belief, than is applied to evidence that contradicts the theory.

For example evidence that humans were in parts of the world earlier than the established belief allows is either ignored or at worst shouted down because it doesn't agree with a belief built up around other, possibly incomplete, evidence.


When people's livelihoods, grants etc, are dependent upon maintaining the status quo, rocking that boat is frowned on.

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ok well if their is a god, why did he create a world where animals have to eat other animals to survive.


We have no idea what the motives of any non-human intelligent life-form would be, whether they be gods, aliens, interdimensional demons or whatever.


and i thought the pope was supposed to represent christianity?


No he doesn't.

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If we were created in his image how come no human bones or fossils have been found from the time of the dinosaurs

Apparently dinodinosaurs didnt exist according to the bible, what makes me laugh are these faith healers, give me a grand I'll say a few words and god will cure your illness, god provides all, Faith healers with Lamborghini's, jets, mansions, plastic surgery etc in the name of the lord : abdjarafalicgyuthfdhcbsasefgydvhj

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Religion must be the only subject humans have failed to make their minds up over in 2000 years. In that time we have split the atom, travelled in space, been to the deepest parts of the ocean, flown faster than a bullet. The list is endless but we still dont 'know' about religion ? Maybe, just maybe, it isnt a fact and just a theory without any waypoints.


Didn't we have a summer with the Mormons over here from the US trying to convert us all to multiple spouses ? I quite liked that idea but would rather have 2 dogs and a ferret.

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ok well if their is a god, why did he create a world where animals have to eat other animals to survive. I`m sorry but I don`t know what you mean by that, as there are herbivores.



If we were created in his image how come no human bones or fossils have been found from the time of the dinosaurs


The two parts of your question do not seem to make sense, if we are created in God`s image what does human and fossil bones have to do with it?


Apparently dinodinosaurs didnt exist according to the bible


Really, can you give me chapter and verse?


Didn't we have a summer with the Mormons over here from the US trying to convert us all to multiple spouses ? I quite liked that idea but would rather have 2 dogs and a ferret.


??? As your spouses?

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The two parts of your question do not seem to make sense, if we are created in God`s image what does human and fossil bones have to do with it?





If we are created in his image humans would have been on the planet since the creation


Yet no human bone or fossils have been found older than 4 million years yet theres plenty of dinosaur bones and fossils dating back 65 million +

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