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1st gout attack


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I have often listened to people saying they have gout and thought to myself god there like little girls.

Until yesterday afternoon that was,

I was at work with safety boots on at 10am yesterday morning when my big toe started aching by 11 it felt like someone was hitting it with a hammer and every time I put any weight on it that turned into a sledgehammer by 6pm I was climbing the walls.

Long story short rang work at 3 am this morning and told them I could not even put a sock on without yelping so I wouldn't be in, just got in from hospital with some cool looking tablets that should take the pain off within 3 days (until nextime)

So as earlier stated sorry to all people out there with gout I now sympathise....

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Having endured it for twenty or so years, don't think you'll be fine in three days or so. Remember prevention is better than cure where the attacks are concerned as every time you suffer an attack you'll be left with damaged joints of the arthritic kind usually, you may find a change of lifestyle / diet is required along with a regular dosage of allopurinol. Good luck with the treatment.

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SWMBO always tell me to lay off the the booze, strange that she can't explain why a mate of mine who hasn't had a drink in 25 years is crippled by gout!


I've tried omitting all sorts of foods, still the dreaded pain cuts in, whenever it feels like it.


I'd give a small fortune to find out what triggers it in me!


Even the GP admits he doesn't know what's a/the cause.



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Horses for courses what brings on an attack for you may not effect the next man. Good advice would be to avoid high protein in your diet red meat & wine a definite no no, one of my biggest triggers are eggs especially duck eggs I used to love em now I can't even look at one without getting twinges. You'll soon learn to live with it and get to know what you can risk eating / drinking and what you can get away with, like I said earlier good luck with it.

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