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Two with the hmr

the enigma

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I was out today spreading slurry and as usual had the hmr stashed in the cab,and managed to take these two................




I pulled into the field with the third load,and there was a group of magpies at the far side of the field. I checked the distance with the rangefinder and the closest one was 143 yards away. So, centre of the first circle on the BDC ret and as there was quite a stiff breeze blowing, allowed about 6" for windage. The round hit home with a good puff of white feathers. I was pretty pleased with the shot considering the strength of the wind.


The rook was taken at just over 100 yards and was bit easier as I was shooting more or less straight into the wind.

Edited by the enigma
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Cheers lads


good bit of shooting there pal,its all ways satisfying when hit a target that you have used holdover on,atb simon....


Aye, I was buzzing when I saw the puff of feathers go up. It used to be that if it was anyway breezy I wouldn't take the rifle out,but I'm starting to gain a bit more confidence now.

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