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Owning a Clay shooting club

Will Poon

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To buy a shooting club it's probably easier to look for one that's established and not doing that well, so you can offer a cheeky price for it :yes:


Or just dig a hole and throw money in............Even BIG successful grounds have issues (southern Counties for example) Take it from me turning a hobby into a business venture is one sure way to ruin a hobby!


If you hear of one let me know I've been looking for a while SW2000 could be interesting!!!


£700k was the rumour no idea if he still wants to sell as his other business went bust..... http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-south-east-wales-17114946

Edited by HDAV
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There were a couple of shoots near us run very badly that could have been developed into something worthwhile. One just disappeared - the bloke tried to sell it for a daft price and with no takers it got shut. The other is still bumping along the bottom - a massive health and safety claim / problem in waiting.


However, you take something you do for fun and then make it something that's it's important for you to earn from and your love for it will die very quickly.


There's easier ways to make a bit of cash, but if you own a restaurant you will already know this

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