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I started with just some decoys given to me and I would make a hide out of what ever was around the area, but

over time I have bought new decoys to fill the pattern out and I have bought hide poles and net to make concealment abit easyer,

Next will come movement decoys (bouncers flappers and magets) all will work on there day but not vital for a good days shooting....

Im sure if you ask some fellow PW members will have spare kit that they will sell once you have worked out what you need.

Happy hunting fella

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on the equipment front I would say that a good start would be; insurance, gun, carts, hide+ netting, seat(it pays to have one on long days), decoys, knife and bags to carry off the birds and more importantly the RUBBISH. extra things to possibly look at in the future would be a pigeon magnet, flapper with a battery, floaters and dead bird cradles. for a pattern look at the first page on this topic

best of luck and enjoy your shooting

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Also worth thinking about how you will get to the place you shoot. I have several places to shoot that require a good bit of carrying to get to them and all the spinners, flappers (batteries) and the like can weigh a ton. Good camo is worth the money and i have a summer and winter net which i use one behind the other depending on season. I would start with a min at least then you can sit in the hide and imagine it will be better when you get more stuff. Then when you do you can leave it at home and wish you had saved the money in the first place.

Final point is buy the best you can get a lot of the kit is rubbish.

For a bag take a look at this


only £17 for the best quality and its supper strong.

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  • 3 weeks later...

asda do a festival trolley that folds up.my fishing box sits nicely on it .in it nets decoys ,market stall clamps for the nets ,decoys and telescopic magnet to pick up emptys all go in nicely.i started with 6 shell decoys and built up as money arrived to spend without the missus finding out :lol:

Edited by clakk
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