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Woodcock innards?


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I no longer eat woodcock guts but in my time I have had a great many birds in that way. I do however always eat snipe done in the tradfitional way - guts left in, beak up it's backside, rolled in bacon and grilled over toast. The bacon fat and the juices from inside the bird make for a very succulent meal.

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Cheers guys. Are you taking the guts out after the bird is roasted and then cooking them with something? Or gut the bird and cook the guts separately? I've got 5 plucked at the moment in the fridge. Cheers!


I know for a fact I have eaten much worse withoot a thought.


That's very true. Hate to think what I've eaten from some of these kebab shops after a night out!

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I was a bit dismayed by the idea of serving barely cooked gut so I do it like this


I fry a very finely chopped onion in plenty of butter whilst the woodcock are roasting.


I gut the birds with a fork and chop the entrails (+livers heart and lungs) as finely as possible. I add them to the butter/onions cook for a minute and then add alcohol - port or brandy. Flame th alcohol and reduce. Spread this sauce/pate on toast and serve the split woodcock on top


It is delicious

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