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Will Poon

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Had a good shoot on Boxing Day at Fauxdegla shooting ground the other day and I participated in the reg shoot of DTL and ABT. Whilst I was waiting for my squad to be called to shoot I took the opportunity to have a good look at how others shoot there discipline.

The point to this thread is how many different ways there were to call PULL :lol:

The females squeal PULL , some bloke shouted PULL so loudly it was louder than the noise of the gun going off :/ . Whilst others sounded like they were burping :lol: . The bloke next to me shouted TRAP to call for his bird . I sound abit like a pirate when I shoot trap ARRRGH :ninja:

What weird ones have you heard off before ?

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In my experience if you give a protracted purrrrrrrrrrrl you tend to get a better button. when I ref guns who shout out a really short sharp PULL, it tends to make me 'jumpy' on the button!


The reason skeet shooters call pull/bird, mark and pair is to remind themselves plus the ref the order in which the birds are to be shot.


Regards remmyman

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Shot newby hall earlier in year courtesy of Alan (hit clays) while waiting a country gent and 2 of his mates in £1000s of attire leather gloves inc (it was in the 70s) gun looked proper fancy not a wabiitbosher bargain like we all love and use,,

He stood up and sounding like John Wayne telling that cowboy to get off his horse it went -----


The 10 clays had all landed intact before the llllllllllls had ended...

Needless to say they all had a pop at the trapper about the layout after consoling each other blaming the trap and saying they where hard :). :). :) then staring at me for having a slight grin , I never have laughed at anyone shooting clays but this time I couldn't resist especially after they had a go at the trapper...if I remember right both me and big Adam did 8 so they must have been pants ;)

Edited by delburt0
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