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A big thumbs up for Kibworth Shooting Ground Gunshop


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I just wanted to put down the great service I received from the staff at Kibworth Shooting Ground gunshop. As some may be aware from a previous picture of mine I bought my daughter a Hatsan escort Junior 20 bore in pink camo last week so she can have a crack with me at our local clay ground.

I started her off with 20 bore subs initially to get her used to the gun and I wasn't expecting these to cycle. but after she had had enough (got cold B) ) I thought I would put some 24g's through it to loosen it up a bit and give my shooting group some good picture opportunities. However it failed to cycle these either and by failed to cycle I mean didn't even attempt to eject the empty case.


I took it back to Kibworth to see if they could help me find a cartridge that would cycle. Unfortunately they couldn't get it to cycle anything despite testing a few brands for me on the shooting ground so they said they would contact Edgar Bros and get some advice and if needed send it back for repair/ replacement. 10 mins after I had left I got a call from the shop asking me to turn round and head back if possible as they had talked to Edgar Bros and got a bit of advice.

I got back to the ground and after swapping the O ring round/ polishing the gas piston a bit we put a few cartridges through it and bingo it cycled no issues at all. They even threw me in a virtually full box of 70mm cartridges which the gun liked for my trouble.


All in all it took about 2 hours to sort out and during the time I was made to feel very welcome with offers of tea and some good advice on maintenance when the gun was working correctly.


So thanks to all the staff at Kibworth for their help on this and I would definitely buy from them again. The added advantage of the shop is you can then go out and give you purchase a good thrash round a very nice ground to boot.



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Very friendly and helpful bunch at Kibworth!


I remember seeing the pink Hatsan in the shop actually!


Glad it's all sorted, and hope your daughter enjoys her shooting. :-)



And WE know that you wanted it to continue your Pheasant preservation work!!!!!

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