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Flight Line Shooting this morning


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Today, PW member Actionpigeons invited me as a guest to have a go at flight line shooting in Derbyshire. We arrived at the location, and John set up a flapper and floater using dead pigeons about 25 yards away from a few large trees. He said that's it, let's go and stand next to the trees, keep your eyes open and be still. I wasn't sure if this was going to work, two pigeons and no hide. But within minutes, we had bird after bird flying over at super sonic speeds. Some of them were coming into range to have a look, some passing by and others were actually flying into the pattern to land. I was loving it! It was shot after shot of challenging birds in the strong Derbyshire winds. Every time a bird was shot, we added it to the pattern. What started out as a two bird pattern ended up being a 20 bird pattern. I fired over 70 shots, which made it the best three hours of shooting I have ever experienced for a novice shot like myself. I ended up with a mixed bag of 34 woodpigeons and ferals. John's black lab Gemma was brilliant at retrieving the birds. I thought no way will she find that and a few minutes later here she comes with a mouth full. This was my 3rd time pigeon shooting and I loved every minute of it. I couldn't think of a better way to spend 3 hours on a cold windy Monday morning. A massive thank you to Actionpigeons for taking me out to learn and experience the sport of pigeon shooting. You sure do know your pigeons. John actually takes folks out in the summer time pigeon shooting in Derbyshire. I have already booked the first day of the season :-) Much appreciated John!


Me this morning with my first photo! One happy dude.


Edited by Crash72
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