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shooting low?

Paul taylor

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Cheers matey I'll have a play when I next get out see what I can learn ;)


To be fair 'having a play to see what you can learn' won't teach you much unless you know what you're doing. Shooting a pattern plate is a start, but only if you know what you're looking for and how to correct it.


Puddle shooting will only teach you not to shoot puddles! :lol:

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Surely if I shoot a pattern with gun mounted as I am and find it low then shoot with my face/eye higher I should see a difference.

As for puddle shooting ive been spending 4hr or so 3 days a week down the farm and used 10 carts there aint nowt else to shoot at at the moment so it may be the next big thing lol

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Surely if I shoot a pattern with gun mounted as I am and find it low then shoot with my face/eye higher I should see a difference.

As for puddle shooting ive been spending 4hr or so 3 days a week down the farm and used 10 carts there aint nowt else to shoot at at the moment so it may be the next big thing lol

Yes, but to understand what is happening, deliberately 'aim' ensuring your eye, the bead and the aiming point are in a straight line.


When driving and you see a speed restriction painted on the road surface in a circle, what shape is the circle when you get up to it? If your pattern centres on the pattern plate aiming point which you then lay flat, it'll still be central in what is now your puddle or road surface even though the circle would now be an oval shape.

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Something along these lines was covered a week or so ago I think. It was specifically about a 391 shooting low but since the general concesus seems to be that semi auto's shoot flat it seems possible in my opinion that this could be at the root of your problem.

If your gun does not have shims between the action and stock a combraiser, as suggested, will be your only option apart from shooting with your head higher that is. In my view raising your head without loads of pfactice will not give consistent results. You will slip back to what feels/is natural and start to miss underneath again.

Try to get the gun to fit you and your natural way of shooting rather than changing you style. Having said that, it sounds like you do need to see more rib, this will raise the centre of the pattern provided you still keep the front bead on target.

I suggest some clay bashing is the way to go after any changes have been made. Practice, simple as.....



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hi paul


not sure if this will help!! i recently purchased a beretta tenkys semi auto from an old beretta 302 i could not hit the side of a barn with it i was pointing dead on the target and missing everything. i did some research and changed the shim between the stock and barrel, mate what a difference it handles so much better and actually hits targets where you point the gun. so what im trying to say is mess about with the shims if there is any im sure this should help. regards mark

Edited by rrw
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I think that you may be nearer the truth of the issue than other reasons being offered. You described pushing your head down on the stock. Unless you do this EVERY time you mount the gun, then the sight picture will be altered. Practice gum mount at home. Try keeping your head still and bringing the gun to shoulder and face, rather than dropping your head to meet the stock.

Edited by Westley
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hi paul


not sure if this will help!! i recently purchased a beretta tenkys semi auto from an old beretta 302 i could not hit the side of a barn with it i was pointing dead on the target and missing everything. i did some research and changed the shim between the stock and barrel, mate what a difference it handles so much better and actually hits targets where you point the gun. so what im trying to say is mess about with the shims if there is any im sure this should help. regards mark

did you add the shims or remove them? I've a full set but none fitted, looked at it but looks like it would drop the comb if anything.
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