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Stainless over blued steel rifle barrels, what is it?


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There is a big difference in purchase price over so called 'stainless steel' barrels on rifles. Is it really worth the extra?


I can see that if you have an over barrel sound mod then you will not get a rub mark with SS


Is there a life/wear advantage to SS.


Is SS really stainless steel or is it normal steel with some additives?


What are the advantages and disadvantages of each?

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Stainless steel is stainless steel. It is steel with a certain content of chromium whether it be 304, 309, 316L or any other derivative containing different elements, molybdenum is common. Stainless steel does not corrode, stain or mark readily. If it contains a certain percentage of chromium, or molybdenum it is often harder than brittle steel.


Ideal in marine, wet or salty environments. Won't rust if wet

Edited by Brad93
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The stainless used in rifles can still rust, Stainless comes in various grades some are very resistant other less so. It has two effects on cost 1. its more expensive than Chrome moly 2. its harder to machine and creates more tool wear. The fact that it does not need bluing is neither here nor there as it needs bead blasting or other non reflective finishes (non- hunting rifles are often bright polished)

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So for for your average hunting/stalking, the Stainless Steel offers little advantage?

It offers some extra protection while out but still needs the same care when you get back. If your out hind stalking in the hills you can sit quietly and hear your gun rusting as the rain proves there is no such thing as waterproof jackets LOL
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Stain/rust resistance is a huge advantage. Whether its actually a stainless (i.e. shiney) finish or not, I think there is a lot to be said for having some sort of rust protection. Blaser barrels are extremely stain resistant for example, although they don't have a stainless finish. For the amount of times my rifle gets wet I think its a "good to have".

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Makes good business to be nearer proof house and other connected industry, transport from Scotland must have pushed the viability. Good luck to them lets not run them down its a British company making its way in a difficult climate at the end of the day. Must be a darn sight easier to get good staff and contractors in the Midlands

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