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Hows your season went?


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Went out yesterday with low expectations due to poor weather conditions.


Anyhow as I reached my intended spot I was greeted with the sight of several hundred teal sitting in the main creek a good sign I thought if they are to come back.


While I was setting out the decoys and building the hide a good 200-300 teal came up the creek from further back in the marsh by now I was in a real rush. Soon I was settled down in the hide with the dog and the gun, I didn't have a long wait until I had my first shot a single teal came whizzing by and I gracefully missed bang bang. Next a bunch of about 10 came by I hit the first one which planed out onto the other side of the creek which was a long retrieve for the dog.


By now the water was at my decoys I had a group of 4 wigeon and a group of 6 teal all nicely bobbing away in the bay off the creek, 4 teal came over my right shoulder which I didn't see in time but there were two following as they came past just over the decoys I missed again well behind to my surprise.


Then a single teal came in nicely which I bagged first shot after a bit of indifferent shooting. Soon large numbers of teal were moving next a group of 8 came straight into the decoys as I went to shoot nothing happened. The gun was not working as you can imagine a few selective words were used. So I had a look at it and found it was that something was in the trigger mechanising so I stripped it down, while I was doing this I had bunch after bunch of teal landing in the decoys and there was nothing I could do at one time there were 16 teal swimming around in front of me.


I did manage to get it going after a long while but by the then the best part of the flight was over I finished with 6 teal in the bag and lost two. So after a bit of poor shooting gun failure I had done ok.


That's wildfowling for you still had a great day and the dog had a good bit of work.


Edited by kent
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I wish you well Penelope. You have the right weather for it.

Let me know how you get on.

I left home just after 2am, having to fill up with diesel and get to Acle by 5:30am and with the storm that was blowing, gave my self some contingency time. I arrived in plenty of time, just over an hour to spare in fact, but better to be early than late. The chap from GYW&CA that I was due to meet arrived just after 5am, and we set off towards Great Yarmouth.


The wind was incredible!!! We had around a mile and half walk to the Rond (local vernacular for saltmarsh) into the teeth of it. It was so strong at times that we had to sit on the floor with our backs to it to rest, as we could not make headway.


I had taken Lucky 'The Pocket Labrador' for her last ever true wildfowling coastal flight; at nearly 13.


In the half light as dawn broke a few small packs of wigeon came high with the wind and soon vanished on it before the gun could be raised. Terry, the chap I went out with was disappointed, as the expected flight of 1000's from the RSPB reserve further up the estuary didn't materialise (wind far to strong IMO, birds did not want to fly), but odd little trips of fowl gave us renewed hope when seen in the distance, only to pass wide over the flooding tide. I would suggest somewhere in the region of a couple of hundred wigeon filtered down to the high water roost.


A mallard drake swung in from behind and settled around 200 yards out in the maelstrom, and I watched him drift right back into range. I waded around a little lump in the rond and tried to jump him, but he would not lift. I ended up climbing back onto the marsh top where I jumped up and down waving my arms, but still he would not move. I turned to Terry and laughed at the situation, at which point the Mallard jumped into the gale, only to be whipped in over my head at 25 yards up. An easy shot and a duck in the bag. It was picked (see pic), and I sat down with Terry to share a cup tea from the flask, which typically decoyed a hen wigeon coming left to right into the wind. The gun was laid out in front of me, broken, but was quickly snatched up and swung and a hen wigeon was retrieved from the surf by Terry's young fox red Lab bitch.


So a successful flight on ground that I had not visited before, but have read loads about over the years.


Lucky 'The Pocket Labrador'.




Lucky's last true wildfowling retrieve.




I met with marsh man after the flight, and listened to some of his tales and looked at his old punting photos, so a thoroughly good day apart from the 300 mile round trip.

Edited by Penelope
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Well it could have been worse Penelope.

That walk, by the way, is less than a mile I reckon - Just seemed a longer one in those conditions.

If I'm still fit enough I will try to get you under the pinks next Dec/Jan if you give me a reminder as the season gets going.

I'm doing OK at the moment and renewing my memberships with Norwich and Yarmouth at the moment.

Still some life in the old dog yet...

Edited by Grandalf
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Blimey, that's an offer, thank you! Good job I have a memory like an elephant :lol: .


Well it could have been worse Penelope.

That walk, by the way, is less than a mile I reckon - Just seemed a longer one in those conditions.

If I'm still fit enough I will try to get you under the pinks next Dec/Jan if you give me a reminder as the season gets going.

I'm doing OK at the moment and renewing my memberships with Norwich and Yarmouth at the moment.

Still some life in the old dog yet...

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Strange season for me, had a couple of geese, one of which was whilst holidaying on a different marsh and one mallard. Haven't been on the foreshore as much as i'd of liked this year due to work and getting married like an idiot. However i'm only in my 3rd season, and its been a good season for learning and seeing different places. Again this year i've met some cracking lads and was lucky enough to join a mate on his wildfowling holiday, seen some gorgeous sun rises and been pelted in the face by driving rain. Ripped my new waders on barbed wire and got to fire a 4 bore. Also managed to save a fortune on breakfasts by avoiding ayano3. Cheers all, see you on the 1st

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Strange season for me. had a couple of geese, one of which was whilst holidaying on a different marsh and one mallard. Haven't been on the foreshore as much as i'd of liked this year due to work and getting married like an idiot. However i'm only in my 3rd season, and its been a good season for learning and seeing different places. Again this year i've met some cracking lads and was lucky enough to join a mate on his wildfowling holiday, seen some gorgeous sun rises and been pelted in the face by driving rain. Ripped my new waders on barbed wire and got to fire a 4 bore. Also managed to save a fortune on breakfasts by avoiding ayano3. Cheers all, see you on the 1st

Just admit it, after losing the wedding ring on your honeymoon you are still grovelling and are not allowed out, let alone treating me to a full English breakfast. We did warn you well before you got wed, is that SX3 for sale yet ??

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Strange season for me, had a couple of geese, one of which was whilst holidaying on a different marsh and one mallard. Haven't been on the foreshore as much as i'd of liked this year due to work and getting married like an idiot. However i'm only in my 3rd season, and its been a good season for learning and seeing different places. Again this year i've met some cracking lads and was lucky enough to join a mate on his wildfowling holiday, seen some gorgeous sun rises and been pelted in the face by driving rain. Ripped my new waders on barbed wire and got to fire a 4 bore. Also managed to save a fortune on breakfasts by avoiding ayano3. Cheers all, see you on the 1st

Your welcome anytime Barry to carry that old 4 b up and down that shore and back up them fields! Hope you got the waders mended you seemed in a rush that morning, or was it goose fever !!
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Think it was that old ghost that was lurking about with us rob, must of scared me into crashing into that fence.

Don't think i'll have many years of carrying both a 4 and a 10 onto the shore. Nearly killed me that mate


Man up, you should be carrying the 4, 10 and 12, got to be prepare for shooting anything :lol:

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It's been a funny season for me, unfortunately I've not been out even half as much as normal due to a house move :(


As usual, September saw a few mallard and gadwall in the bag. Over the years (all 4 of them - haha) October has always been the best month for Wigeon. 1000's arrive within a few days of the moon, and true to form, I had the best flight of the season on an unusually cold morning in the middle of the month. I literally have never seen as many duck in one place in my life. Our club limit is 10 birds per gun, but MY personal limit is 6. Within 15 minutes I had my bag and we spent the next 2 hours in awe of the display the huge packs of wigeon put on for us, a flight I won't forget for a long time :good:


Dec was a quiet month what with Xmas and all, but I still managed a few trips between pheasant and woodcock shoots. Teal are the main quarry from this point usually and a few featured in the bag.


January tends to be the month of guests. I try to take a newbie or 2 out to show them what fowling is all about, the colder the better, but this season I didn't have to scrape ice off my car once! I don't usually shoot when I've got a guest, I'd rather get them some birds. So the months tally was a small one!


February is teal month for me. The furthest point on our marsh is over 5 miles away, and it's become a bit of a tradition to make the long haul at the end of the season. It's worth it though, and our last morning flight of the season produced our 6 bird bag once again.


I haven't added up yet, but I'd expect there to be around 30 on the return form. Just like last season I never fired a single shot at a goose, I had 100s over me, but I have no desire for them lately?!?!


Roll on Sep 1st, only 193 days :lol:

Edited by Wildfowler12
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