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death penalty


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I am in favour of bringing it back, but accept that others may well disagree.


Ironically, the two pieces of scum who murdered Lee Rigby expected to get shot and were willing to die, yet kick up a fuss when they are about to be jailed for life. I trust that their time inside will be as uneventful as they deserve.

They should have been shot there and then scumbags


Edit to say people who murder should be in that jail cell until it rots and collapses ontop of them not kill someone and be given 4 years like the man on the cover of the daily mail this morning

Edited by strangford wildfowler
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I see where you are coming from but in reality the worst of offenders get life, and in those cases life really does mean life, and that is a far scarier prospect for many than death - Ian Brady is an example of someone forced to live against their will.


We should not have the death penalty for 3 reasons; it is not a penalty, it has no affect of crime, there is nearly always an element of doubt.


Is prison there to correct, punish or protect our citizens? Should it be there to process people in the most fiscally efficient manner?

Take your points but is it not or could it not be properly called the 'Death Sentence', I dont accept it has no deterrent effect personally, take the idiot who recently punched a man and he fell and died - if he were possibly guilty of murder, would he have thought and just argued ? I think the element of doubt should cause deference to life in prison - if there's no doubt, why not execute ?

All custodial sentences have possibly 2 purposes, one to provide correction and redirection, second for punishment or societal 'revenge', lately I find myself favouring the latter as victims get a very very raw deal from the present system. I think a society should set an upper limit on costs and 3 strikes and a worthwhile sentence is one way and reducing unnecessary numbers in prison another - my way for preference is to expunge those who take the life of others casually and callously and of whose guilt there can be no doubt. Just MO .

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Its a tough one, don't think many of us would worry to much if one or two kiddy fiddlers ended their days at the end of a rope, but i wouldn't want to be one of the twelve that sent someone to their death because of a cast iron case that was found to have a rust hole or two it it years later!

exactly the justice system is by no means safe enough for the death penalty there would be some dreadful mistakes

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I understand where you are coming from,, but are you saying coppers are doing illegal things to set people up for serious crimes and if so please explain how you come to think this,, don't mention plebgate


atb Evo

historically its rife and im sure it still happens sometimes maybe not as often but!! "a right result guv" Birmingham 6 Guildford 4 just to name a couple.

Edited by overandunder2012
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I'm all for it but only in cases where it is proved beyond any reasonable doubt, like them scumbags that killed lee rigby. Killed him in broad daylight in front of dozens of witnesses yet it still had to go to court, *** is that all about? They should have been shot at the scene, end of! Instead were gonna be paying to keep them alive in luxury whilst his family suffer.


People like your Beverly allets, Moira hindleys, Ian Brady's, Ian huntleys, Michael adefalacio and adegerwhatsits of the world don't deserve to be alive after what they've done, we shouldn't have to pay thousands a year when a bullet would solve the problem permanently and cheaper than prison.

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I'm all for it but only in cases where it is proved beyond any reasonable doubt, like them scumbags that killed lee rigby. Killed him in broad daylight in front of dozens of witnesses yet it still had to go to court, *** is that all about? They should have been shot at the scene, end of! Instead were gonna be paying to keep them alive in luxury whilst his family suffer.


People like your Beverly allets, Moira hindleys, Ian Brady's, Ian huntleys, Michael adefalacio and adegerwhatsits of the world don't deserve to be alive after what they've done, we shouldn't have to pay thousands a year when a bullet would solve the problem permanently and cheaper than prison.

But they will/have suffered in prison all of their lives and have to wake up each day and continue their futile existence while the monotony drives them mad/insane,suffering everyday wishing they could die,but knowing we will keep them alive as long as possible.

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Guest rimotu66

But they will/have suffered in prison all of their lives and have to wake up each day and continue their futile existence while the monotony drives them mad/insane,suffering everyday wishing they could die,but knowing we will keep them alive as long as possible.


Yes at my expense, and other tax payers, I do not want to pay to keep murderers, rapists, pedo's in cushy hotels, I want anyone like those pieces of scum that slaughtered Lee Rigby to go in a furnace and turned to carbon and smoke. My taxes are paying to keep huntley, brady and that peroxide bitch (before she did the decent thing and croaked) in far better accommodation then a lot of ex serving military people, nurses, police, honest people can afford, I am sick of listening to soft tree hugging lefties preaching about human rights, sod that, hang them, shoot them , burn them, do what ever, just get rid of them, they stopped having human rights when they murdered, raped and ******** children.

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Recent case of a woman who killed 3 men in a day and was aided by two men - one very big?

Guilty as hell, mad as a hatter and undoubtedly likely to stay the same way - no case for death sentence? I'd say she merited it.


For the life of me I cant justify an objection to the death sentence in either this or Cpl Lee Rigby's killings. Are we not being a little too 'moral'?

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I think that countries should outsource judicial punishment to North Korea. This would provide welcome income for Kim and a decent punishment for scum that western governments can't seem or don't want to deal with. Wasn't too long ago the judge would have been putting the black cloth on top of his wig - with modern forensics there is no reason why murderers and rapists, computer hackers etc should not see the gallows within a year, preferably after coming back from their stint in NK where I am sure death would be a welcome reprieve. Whilst we are at it their ghastly bodies should go to medical science, maybe the worst could be worked on whilst still alive. But hey that's just me.

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I think that countries should outsource judicial punishment to North Korea. This would provide welcome income for Kim and a decent punishment for scum that western governments can't seem or don't want to deal with. Wasn't too long ago the judge would have been putting the black cloth on top of his wig - with modern forensics there is no reason why murderers and rapists, computer hackers etc should not see the gallows within a year, preferably after coming back from their stint in NK where I am sure death would be a welcome reprieve. Whilst we are at it their ghastly bodies should go to medical science, maybe the worst could be worked on whilst still alive. But hey that's just me.

Out of interest, why have you grouped computer hackers with rapists and murderers?

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A few years ago I would have said yes to the death penalty, now my opinion has changed for a few reasons. My faith in an unprejudiced and fair justice system is not what it was, I genuinely don't think it would have any sort of deterrent effect at all and I also think that it places a terrible burden upon the state executioners/jury/judges, etc.


I do think in the case of those found guilty of the most serious of crimes that prison should be much more about punishment than rehabilitation. Although I would not feel any greater sense of justice to know that those most vile of prisoners are treated abusively, I would certainly hope that they find absolutely no form of favour or any privilege at all. Their existence should be just that, a very simple existence, so every single day they are made to feel the loss of liberty they have brought upon themselves and caused others and I would shed no tears if they drove themselves into a torment as a result.


Keep them separated from the other prison population so their utter lack of hope does not poison other prisoners who genuinely do have an opportunity of rehabilitation.

To have a prison whose very name sends fear into those that may go there as all it offers is a state of destitution would be a good thing in my mind. For those who have committed the most heinous of crimes I would be happy for my tax contribution to fund a life of utter worthlessness for them so the rest of society can look on and witness that loss of liberty.

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Recent case of a woman who killed 3 men in a day and was aided by two men - one very big?

Guilty as hell, mad as a hatter and undoubtedly likely to stay the same way - no case for death sentence? I'd say she merited it.


For the life of me I cant justify an objection to the death sentence in either this or Cpl Lee Rigby's killings. Are we not being a little too 'moral'?

I understand what you are saying but you can't have a little,it has to be all in or all out,the morality side is another argument,this is quite simply is the death sentence 100% fool proof,and unfortunately it is no,so you cannot justify it.

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